"I'm Fine...."

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*The Next Day*

I finish getting ready, before looking at my reflection. Damn...

I look kind of... sexy.

I'm wearing a regular white fitted top with a black vest and my tie over it, a black mini skirt, and a pair of black ballet slippers. I have my normal everyday makeup done, and my hair is tied into a cute but messy bun with strands of hair pulled out a bit for the sexy part. I also have my Gryffindor robe on over everything.

I smile to myself, before grabbing my bag and exiting my dorm.

I hope today's a better day than yesterday... I thought about it all night, and... I still don't know what to do about Jason...

I think I'm gonna just stay quiet for now and avoid him at all costs. I don't know if I can handle being touched like that again.

Most girls would enjoy it, but I'm not like most girls, and I'm not a slut.

I wanna find "the one", before I get to anything more than just holding hands and maybe kissing. I have had my first kiss and several kisses after that, but they were simple and small. They weren't very passionate or meaningful. I want my first real kiss to be with... "the one", and yes, I know it sounds stupid, but it's what I want.

I want someone... who's gonna protect me and love me unconditionally, despite my flaws. I want someone... who's gonna love me for me, and I may not find that person... for a long time, but I'm willing to wait cause, hopefully, it'll be worth the wait...

When I make it to The Grand Hall, I snap out of my thoughts and start to walk in, but someone grabs me from behind, pulling me back.

Oh no... I know those cold, grubby hands....

"Morning, sexy", Jason whispers in my ear, as he gropes my ass.

"Jason... please", I hiss, rolling my eyes.

I'm not gonna beat him up or anything, but I am gonna be civil about it.

"Awe, come on, Belle. You still gonna be like that? I just wanna have a little fun with the sexiest girl in this school... I know you act all innocent and kind, but... I know there's a sexy beast in there somewhere that wants me to do naughty things to her", Jason flirts, as he grips my ass, rubbing his crotch up against me.

I cringe at the gross feeling, before I yank my arm away from him.

"Go fuck another slut, arsehole", I snap, before walking into The Grand Hall.

I calm myself down, by breathing into my nose, holding it, and then breathing out my mouth.

"You okay", Harry asks, noticing that I'm upset.

"I'm fine....", I lie, plastering on a fake smile.

"You sure? You seem really on edge", Ron says, worriedly.

"Guys, seriously... I'm fine. There's nothing to be worried about. Why wouldn't I be okay", I laugh.

"Okay... If you say so", Ron sighs.

From the corner of my eye, I see Draco walking into The Grand Hall, making me look up. He glances around, when his eyes lock with mine. Neither of us looks away for a few seconds.

It's like he wants... to talk to me, but... his head is telling him no. He's the first to look away, before he walks over to the Slytherin table and sits down.

"Morning, everyone", Max greets, making me look away from Draco. I look up to see Max and... Jason standing in front of us.

"Morning, Max, Jason. Take a seat", Harry smiles. They sit down, Jason sitting across from me, and I avoid looking at him.

"Hey, sis, did you know mum sent us each a letter", Max says, making me scrunch my eyebrows together.


I feel something land on my shoulder, making me look over.

"Oh, Nightwing, hi, baby girl", I smile, as she sets the letter onto the table. I open up a pouch in my bag, before taking out a treat. I hold it out, and she takes the treat, before flying off. I chuckle to myself, before grabbing the letter and opening it up.

Oh, it's a handwritten note from mum. Hmm. Weird. I unfold it, before reading it in my head

Hi, sweetie! I hope everything is going good at Hogwarts. I just wanted to write to you and make sure you were getting along with your friends and your studies were going good so far.

Your father and I are doing good, in case you were wondering. We miss you and can't wait to see you for Christmas! We have some special surprises planned for Christmas, and we have some special guests coming over, as well, which I think you'll enjoy, but that's all I'm gonna say. I don't wanna ruin the surprise.

Well, I'll let you get back to whatever you're doing. I hope you're having fun! I love you, Annabelle!

-Love, Mom

I smile to myself, before folding the letter up and slipping it back into the envelope. I tuck the envelope into my bag, before sighing.

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