"We're Not Friends..."

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*After Class*

I quickly leave Snape's class, when I hear someone call my name. "Hey, wait up!" I roll my eyes and continue walking. I feel the person's hand grab my arm, making me stop walking.

"What", I exclaim, yanking my hand out of their grip and spinning around.

"Awww, don't be like that, table buddy", Draco smirks.

He's enjoying this. I know he is.

"Don't call me that! I am not your table buddy. We are sharing the same table, and that is it. Nothing more. Nothing less", I hiss, rolling my eyes.

"Come onnnn, I know you were dying to sit next to me this year", Draco winks, making me clench my jaw and fists.

"No, actually. I wasn't. I was hoping I could avoid you this year, but looks like you're dying to talk to me", I smirk, making Draco roll his eyes.

"I was not. I still hate you", Draco states.

"And I still hate you", I state back, raising an eyebrow.

"Then, we've finally agreed on something..."

"Yep. We're still enemies, and I still hate you. Just cause we're stuck sitting next to each other this year doesn't mean shit", I smile.

"Exactly. We're not friends..."

"Good. I'm glad we agree", I finally sigh, before walking off.


As I'm sitting in the Gryffindor tower, reading a book, I feel a hand on my shoulder, making me tense up. "Hello, my little sexy girl", Jason whispers in my ear. I slowly set my book down, when he slides his hand under the part of my shirt that's around my shoulders.

"Jason, stop", I order, when he grabs my wrist, yanking me up. He pulls me towards him, before pushing me against a wall.

"But it's so fun to see you so... vulnerable", Jason smirks, as he rests his hands on my bare waist.

"Seriously, stop. I don't like this", I say, squirming underneath his strong arms.

"Awww, why not, you sexy bitch! Don't you like it when I touch you, you naughty whore", Jason laughs, before leaning down and crashing his lips into mine.

I cringe at the feeling of his nasty ass, slimy lips on mine. I swiftly push him off me, before I quickly grab my bag and rush out of the tower. I head up to the girl's rooms, before running to mine and running inside. I shut the door behind me, locking it and sighing.

Oh thank god I got away...

That motherfucker.... God dammit I really need to tell Max what Jason's been doing, but... they're such good friends, and I don't wanna hurt Max, but... I don't know if I can deal with Jason touching me in ways I don't like anymore.

It makes me so uncomfortable, and I feel like a whore, when he does. God, what do I do?! Do I  stand up for myself and tell someone that Jason has been trying to get in my pants for a long time or do I keep quiet, for the sake of not hurting my brother, who has always done good by me?

There's so many pros and cons for both, but I still don't know what to do...

I thought I would be happy to finally be back at Hogwarts, considering I get to see my friends, but it's just been a shit show, so far...

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day... hopefully....

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