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I took my helmet off and I ran a hand through my hair, I already heard wolf whistling but I minded my own business. I looked around at the town I thought I wouldn't set foot back in, I looked up and I see the name of the restaurant I had parked outside of.


I walked in, looking around and at the people inside and keeping a straight look before walking over to the bar. I sat down on the stool, waving over to the bartender to walk off.

"What will it be miss?"

"Bourbon." I said, and he gives me a nod before pouring me a glass. I grabbed the glass and I take a sip as I turned on my seat to look over the place.

Mystic Falls had drastically changed in the 150 years I was gone, but I guess it did change for the better. I looked over the room until my eye caught a group of people, before I felt anger boil inside me.

I watched as the girl starts to walk away from the group, she walks by me and I keep my head down. I looked to see her walk into the bathroom, I downed the rest of my drink and I walked into the bathroom.

I see her at the sink and she was washing her hands, just as she turns around I pinned her by the neck to the wall.

"You know, over the years I wished you were alive so I could kill you myself, Katherine." I said, clenching my jaw as I pushed her up even further.

"P-Please, I'm not Katherine." She sputters out as I closed my hand around her throat.

"And you expect me to believe that?" I said, raising an eyebrow, "I guess lying also being a bitch was your strong suit." I feel the veins sticking out along with my fangs, the girl looks at me terrified. Something that Katherine doesn't show.

"I-I'm her doppelganger. Elena G-Gilbert." She says, and I listen to her heartbeat, she was telling the truth. I let her go and she starts to cough, before taking in deep breaths. I picked her up and I looked into her eyes compelling her.

"You will forget this conversation and me. You came in here to wash your hands, and you're going to go back out to your friends." I said, she repeats me before I walked back out and to the bar.

I haven't heard about Katherine having a doppelganger in years, and pretty soon others will come to find out about it. I cleared my head and I looked over to see Elena walking over to her friends, I turned on my seat but I listened for her voice.

"The girl by the bar thought I was Katherine."

That's all it took for me to lay money down before walking out of the bar. I get outside and I hear footsteps right behind me, letting me keep the pace as I kept walking as I got to the middle of Mystic Falls. Soon, I felt someone pin me to the monument by my throat.

"Who are you?" The voice growled, I smirked before turning us over and pinned the person down.

"And just when I was getting a little bored." I said, chuckling before throwing them down to the ground.

"Cyrena?" I hear and I looked closely at the person on the ground, before my eyes go wide.

"Stefan?" I asked not believing it and he gets up, "I thought you were dead."

"Same here." He says, and I wrapped my arms around him making him chuckle.

"Wait does that mean-," Before I could finish, Stefan cuts me off.

"He's at home."

"I can't believe it." I said, feeling all my emotions. I was so happy that I wanted to cry.

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