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Majority of the day had gone by and I was with Rebekah, only because Caroline and Tyler were near Elena and I didn't want to deal with that today. It was now the end of the day and I was making my way out to the parking lot when my phone rang, I didn't bother looking to see who was calling me.


"Cy?" Sabrina's voice says over the phone, making me frown.

"Sab? You alright?" I asked, and I hear her coughing followed by a groan, "Sabrina?"

"Isn't this a pleasant surprise." His voice rings through making me stop in my tracks.

"I thought you would've been dead Jake. Looks like I have to do the honours."

"Is that any way to act when I have your pretty little girlfriend with me?" He says and I hear her wheezing in the back.

"What do you want? Leave her out of this."

"Oh no, this is fun. Look at that, the only person who you've gotten with doesn't have supernatural healing. It would need to come in handy right about now." Jake's voice says and I clenched my jaw.

"Don't risk it Cyrena. Don't." Sabrina's voice was heard and I hear her being hit.

"You touch her again and I will personally send you to hell myself." I felt the tears coming and he laughs.

"You better hurry Cyrena, she doesn't look like she can hold out any longer." Jake says, ending the phone call making me clench my jaw.

I knew they had to be in New Orleans, I quickly get into my car and I sped right out of the school parking lot. Speeding out of town and onto the main road for another 3 hours that I made in almost 2 hours with the speed limit I was going.

I was going to need help, because Jake likes to play dirty so I'll have to play dirtier. I made it back to the familiar Bourbon St, and straight to the French Quarters. I entered the familiar compound and I see Marcel and Diego with a couple of other vampires, as they sat and drank.

As they saw me, they both had smiles, but soon disappeared as they saw the seriousness in my face.

"I need your help."

That's all I needed to say for them to be right on board with everything. I had pulled up to where I could track Sabrina, leading me to an abandoned warehouse. I got out of the car with Marcel, Diego and their friend Thierry who knew Sabrina as well. I looked to see the other vampires that came and we all walked into the warehouse.

"So glad for you to join us Cyrena. See you bought backup." Jake's voice rang through the empty place, before he walks out and I see he had people behind him too.

"You play dirty Jake, but so do I. I taught you." I said, and he clenches his jaw.

"Lose something?" He says, whistling out. A few seconds later, two guys had walked out dragging someone and that's when I noticed it was Sabrina. I looked at her and she had blood and bruises on her face.

"Cyrena." She says faintly making my heart break.

"Let her go. You want me, not her."

"She brought you here, so she did have some use." Jake says putting his hands up and suddenly other guys come out and start shooting at us.

We all spread out and started fighting the men. I raised my hand and five guys go flying back, splitting their heads open. I vamp speed to two guys and ripped out their hearts, just as I was about to go to another group, I feel a stake in my back, scraping along my heart.

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