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The siblings or my only source of entertainment was gone and it was getting boring in here, I got up to walk around the room considering as I was losing feeling in my legs. I looked at all the dust that was collecting in here, making me grimace.

"What did she mean? Who's looking for you?" Elena asked and I took a deep breathe before turning to her and smirking.

"Just an ex. Pretty obsessed with me, but who can blame him?" I said and she laughs lightly before it gets silent in the room again.

"What does he want with me?" She asked, and I looked at her.

"You're the doppelganger sweetie. It's rare to come across your type. Last doppelganger was Katherine and that was in 1400's."

"Yeah, I just don't know what is it that he wants with me exactly." She says, sighing harshly before plopping down on the couch. I just minded my own business, looking around the dusty room.

"Cyrena." I hear and I looked to see Elena beckoning me over. I frowned a little as I see her holding a piece of paper, I walked over and she hands it over to me.

Stefan and Damon are coming for you

"Got to love that witch." I said, smiling. A couple hours had passed by and to pass by time I had been roaming around the room before Trevor bursts in.

"He's here. This is a mistake." I hear Trevor say and I immediately sit up.

He's really here?

"No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me." Rose says trying to calm her brother down.

"No! He wants me dead, Rose!"

"He wants her more." Rose says, I hear her footsteps letting me return to my original laying position. I look up to see Rose walking up to me, she grabs me by my arm and drags me away into another room.

"You're going to have to buy me a drink first baby." I said, smirking at her.

"You're in here before I bring you out to him."

"Is this like an auction sale? But with actual people? I'm pretty sure they have a name for that though." I said, and she glares at me before walking away.

I would've loved to escaped right now and I could've but I knew I couldn't just leave Elena here with Elijah. So, I sat down and I decided to listen to the conversation that was going on outside, listening if it was actually him.

"Human, it's impossible. Hello, there." I swear my heart dropped into my stomach, it was actually him. I didn't know what to feel right now.

"We also have something else." Rose tells him and I hear footsteps coming into the room, looking up to see it was Trevor. He pulls me roughly by my arm and I stayed there, dangling on his arm like a limp rag doll.

"What is it?" Elijah says as I entered the room and his eyes go wide as he sees me.

"Heard he's been looking for her too." Rose says, as we walking more into the room.

"Cy?" He says, and I send him a smirk.

"Lij, long time no see."

"It's been 20 years, Cyrena."

"Immortal time isn't it." I said, keeping the smirk on my face and he smiles lightly. I could see the group looking at us confused.

"Well, we have a long journey ahead of us. We should be going." Elijah says.

"Please, don't let him take us." Elena pleads to Trevor and Rose.

"One last piece of business, then we're done." Elijah says, nodding at me then turning to face Trevor.

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