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I groaned as I woke up, just as I opened my eyes I looked to see that I was facing towards the ceiling. I put my head up and I see that I was tied down on a table, I looked below me and I see a tank just under me.

"I'm going to give you one more chance." Jake says, walking over and I turned to face him, "Where's Klaus?"

"Get in line, you're not the only one who wants to know. I haven't seen him for over 20 years."

"You're lying." Jake says scoffing, "You think I'll believe a word that's coming out your mouth?"

"You obviously didn't feel that way back in 93." I said, smirking a little and he clenches his jaw. He grabs my face roughly before shoving vervain inside, I go to spit it out but he covers my mouth. I didn't have anything else to do but try moving my head away from him.

"Just answer the questions Cyrena." He says, lifting his hand off my mouth. I was trying so hard for the tears not to come out, as he stroked my hair back. I had to come up with a plan and fast, I looked up at him, letting a tear shed.

"Please Jake, I'm sorry." I said, and his face softens.

"All I wanted was to love you, you made me fall in love with you for some sick game of yours."

"I wasn't playing you, I fell for you. Your doe brown eyes, with your dirty blonde hair. You remember the day we met?" I asked, and he smiles at me.

"It was the best day ever."

"I love you Jake, so please let me go. I promise I'll come with you and we can be happy together. Don't you want to be happy?"

"I do." Jake says before his face hardens, "But this is my job." I stopped with the fake tears and I smirked.

"And this is mine." I said, showing my veins and fangs before attacking his neck. He fights me off and lands on the ground, making me laugh to myself as I felt the blood all over my mouth. Jake looks at me filled with anger as he grabs a handful of vervain and shoving it in my mouth making me sputter out the burning sensation. He finally takes his hand away making me gasp for air as I choked back on tears as I looked at him.

"When I get out of here, you better hope and pray you can run fast because I will kill you."

"Won't be possible when I kill you." Jake says, holding onto a chain, "See that tank under you? It's filled with vervain. So I'll get to watch you die a slow and painful death, like the pain you caused me."

"You fell in love with me, not the other way around. And I so wished I killed you when I had the chance."

"You're going to regret saying that."

"No, you are." I heard and I looked over to see Jake was thrown against the wall.

"Damon." I said, and he smiles as I felt tears leave my eyes. Before I could respond, darkness washed over my body.

I opened my eyes and I see that I was in the same dress I was when I turned. It was crimson red and reached my ankles, my hair was braided in the front and was let out in the back. I looked around to see I was in my village.


"He's coming." I turn around to see I was face to face with my mother and I gasped.


"Hello my sweet." She says smiling and I ran up to her, hugging her and she wraps her arms around me.

"How are you here?"

"This is a dream, my dear." Mum says, as she puts her hand on my face and a tear slipped out.

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