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"Afternoon Ms Bennett." I hear and I looked up to see Jarvis, one of the butlers.

"What can I do for you?"

"This came. There is a ball held by a family." He says and I looked at him as he held out an invite.

"Mikaelson's?" I said, raising an eyebrow. I've heard that name before.

"Yes ma'am. Would you like to attend? I can have the girls set out dresses for you." Jarvis says and I smirked.

"Sure, why not."

The girls walked in and we soon started to get myself ready, I wore a faded pink dress that was embroider with designs, with my hair pulled back and out of my face. I placed jewellery on and I looked at myself before leaving the house.

I got to the ball quickly, getting help as I stepped out of the carriage and I could hear the wonderful music as I walked in. I picked up a drink and I turn to see a blonde lady walking up to me.

"Rebekah Mikaelson." She says, in her British accent.

"Cyrena Bennett, beautiful ball." I said, with a smile and she smiles.


We stood around and talked a lot longer, getting on more than I expected. I couldn't help but laugh as we stood by ourselves talking. She then wraps her arm around mine, pulling me over to two boys.

"Cyrena, these are my brothers. Kol and Elijah." Rebekah says and they smiled.

"It's a pleasure." Elijah says, lifting my hand and places a kiss on it as I curtsy.

"You're very beautiful Ms Cyrena." Kol says, taking my hand and places a kiss on it before looking up at me with a smirk.

"Kol is a bit of a flirt." Rebekah says and I smirked.

"And this is my older brother, Niklaus." Rebekah says, and I turned around seeing the same guy from earlier today.

"Niklaus is too formal, call me Klaus. It's a pleasure to properly meet you, again." He says and I curtsy.

"Cyrena, and the pleasure is all yours." I said, making him smile and I notice the dimples on the display.

"Care to dance?" Niklaus says and I smirked lightly, as he holds out his hand. I take it and he pulls me onto the dance floor.


I woke up the next morning, sun shining on my face and I sat up looking beside me to see it was empty. I throw the covers off my body and I walked over to the bathroom, looking over myself.

I had light chocolate skin, with a few freckles on my face that you could only see if you were up close. I had curly raven black hair that laid long down my back and my eyes were a dark brown. I stripped off my clothes and I hopped into the huge shower, letting the water run down my hair.

"You know it's usually the ladies job to sneak out of bed first." I said, turning to look at Damon who stands at the door frame.

"Oh how the tables have turned." Damon says and I chuckled.

"You going to stand there all day?"

"As much as I would love to revisit last night, we have work to do." Damon says and I scoff lightly.

"Who knew me coming to Mystic Falls was for work?" I said, turning the shower off and I walked out standing in front of him. I slick my wet hair back as I looked at Damon who smirks, looking me up and down.

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