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I groaned as I start to open my eyes, I looked to see that I was on the floor and my hand comes up to my neck. I cursed under my breathe and I looked to see Alaric/Klaus sitting with a stake in his hand.

"Look who's awake?" He says and I glared at him, getting to my feet, "It's been a long time my love."

"Not long enough in my opinion Niklaus."

"I knew you'd put it together. You are quite smart."

"I would take it as a compliment but it's coming out of your mouth, and I don't happen to believe anything that comes out of it anymore." I said, glaring at him.

"You're talking about what you think you heard 20 years ago?"

"What I think I heard? I heard every word that came out and I continue to hate myself everyday for what you did to me. 130 years, just like that."

"You don't understand, what I said-," He starts but I cut him off.

"You said what you said Niklaus, there's no taking it back. So, whatever you want or whatever you're doing in Mystic Falls, leave me out of it." I said and hurt was written all over his face. It quickly vanished as he dropped to one knee screaming.

I turned around to see Bonnie. She was killing him. The lights were going on and off, the wind was picking up in the room. I saw that Stefan and Elena were telling her to stop, so she shut the doors, making it so they couldn't enter the room. Klaus continued to scream as every bone in his body broke. I hear banging on the door and I look to see Stefan.

"Cyrena! You have to stop her or she'll die!" Stefan says and my eyes go wide. I went to stop Bonnie, but she threw me against the wall, and I couldn't move.

"I'm sorry." Bonnie says before dropping to the floor and so did I, making me land on my knees.

"No!" I cried out as I rushed over to her. I put her head in my lap, hearing there was no heartbeat and feeling her lifeless body.

"Bonnie, no!" Elena says, running up to us crying.

Bonnie was my family, I had to watch another family member die. Tears rushed down my face and I looked up to see Klaus was gone. I turned my sadness into anger, I go to leave but Stefan stops me.


"It's his fault. He's going to die and I want to be the one to do it."

"You're angry." Stefan says and I clenched my jaw.

"Yes, I'm angry! He ruined my life for 130 years, using me to get to Katherine. He killed Bonnie who was the only family I had left. I've been running for long enough, I'm done with his games." I said, and I could feel the tears coming out again, "Why does he get to play with everyone's feelings and not get hurt in return?"

"We'll get him, okay. I promise you, we will." Stefan says and I cried into his chest.

I don't know how long it was I cried, but I changed out of my clothes at the house and into something else. I needed something to drink and I wasn't just talking about the alcohol. I didn't know how many people I fed on, but I kept going.

I then made it back to the Salvatore house, blood still on my hands and face mixed with tears as I walked over to the bourbon. I grabbed a bottle and I popped open one before skulling it down, feeling the bitter taste flow down my throat.

"You're going to drink the whole town dry, literally." I hear and I see Damon walking in, making me raise the bottle.

"Here's to Klaus once again ruining my life." I said, taking another big gulp of alcohol.

"I'm sorry about-,"

"Don't. Just don't okay." I said, sniffling before looking at him, "Everywhere I go, death follows me no matter what. I promised to look after my lineage but how can I when I can't even look after my fucking self?" I go to drink again but Damon stops me, grabbing the bottle and putting it down.

"Come on. I want to show you something."

"I'm really not into a whole surprise tonight Damon." I said, about to grab the bottle but he grabs my hands.

"I promise it's worth it." He says and I pursed my lips looking at him, before sighing and nodding. I cleaned myself up, Damon grabs my hand and he speed vamps us before stopping in front of a house, it was creepy and abandoned.

"What are we doing here?"

"This way." Damon says, he leads me through the front door and immediately I got this weird feeling. I frowned but I didn't think anything of it as Damon pulled me through the house.

"You know I fear for your next girlfriend, because you obviously don't know how to be romantic." I said, and I hear him chuckle as I looked around the abandoned place. We walked down a set of stairs and I could hear voices, making me frown.

"If I die tonight, just know that I'm going to resurrect from the dead and send you to hell myself." I said, and I hear a familiar laugh making me turn my head.

"I'm all for it." Bonnie says and I gasp. I rushed over to her bringing her into a hug, she chuckles before hugging me back and we stayed like that before I looked at her.

"You nearly had me go on a murderous rampage."

"Nearly?" Damon asked and I rolled my eyes before looking back at the witch in front of me.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you." Bonnie says and I smiled shaking my head.

"It's okay. As long as you're alive." I say, turning to see Jeremy sitting with her and I smiled at him.

"We'll leave so you guys can talk." Jeremey says and he walks out with Damon after him. I smiled and turned my attention back to Bonnie.

"You know I'm a very good actress, so I deserved to know." I said, making her laugh.

"Oh you are but you were preoccupied with Klaus, didn't have time for a chat." She says making me laugh. I look around and I look down to see the grimoire and I smiled, picking it up.

"My mum used to have one of these. I would use it to practice magic."

"Do you miss having your powers?" Bonnie asks and I chuckle, flipping through the book then looking at her.

"Yeah, at times. But like I told you before, I wouldn't have met the people I have today. My ex, she was a witch too and I taught her some other tricks." I said, and Bonnie raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oh, she? And who is this she?"

"Oh trust me, no one special."

"Guess what we have all night." She says and I laughed.

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