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I was standing in the room, looking at the file Klaus handed to me about my son. I was anxious to find in it. My thoughts were cut off when I hear my phone going off and I looked down to see it was a text from Elena.

Elena Gilbert
Didn't think you'd stoop that low. Congratulations Cyrena, you've officially lost me.

Cyrena Bennett
First of all, I trusted you and became your friend despite you being a carbon copy of the one person I hate on this planet, guess the personality comes with it too.
Secondly, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Elena Gilbert
It's one thing going after me but Jeremey? How could you?

Cyrena Bennett
You've officially lost your mind. If anything I prefer him over you

Elena Gilbert
Oh yeah so much that you'd let Klaus compel him to kill himself

Cyrena Bennett
What? What are you talking about?

Elena Gilbert
Your boyfriend just compelled my brother to jump in front of traffic. Alaric pushed him out of the way and got hit by a car.

Cyrena Bennett
As much as I hate you, I would never do that. I had no idea this was happening.

Elena Gilbert
Well there you go

After that text I didn't bother texting her back, as I stormed out of the room and I walked to where Klaus was. I see him offering blood to some of his hybrid's with a glass in his hands. I made the glass explode in his hand and he looks over to me.

"What was that for?" He asked and I pushed my hand outwards, throwing him against the wall, "Cyrena!"

"You tried to kill Jeremey? What the hell is wrong with you!" I said, and he gets off the floor looking at me.

"They needed a little push and it worked."

"I said I would help you find your family Klaus but if you're going to keep putting the lives of my friends at risk, I'm not going to stand here anymore."

"Well he isn't dead." Klaus says and I glared at him.

"That's not the point and you know it." I said, scoffing shaking my head, "Jesus Klaus, I don't know what more you want of me." I go to walk away but he stops me.

"Where are you going love?"

"I don't know Klaus, far from here. I'm always in a position where I have to choose between you or my friends and I can't take it anymore."

"Cyrena, please." Klaus says and I shake my head.

"I need time to think."


It had been a couple days since my outburst with Klaus, I was staying in a bed and breakfast place just in town. I didn't want to stay with Klaus nor did I want to stay back at the Salvatore building.

I hear my phone ringing for the sixth time in the past five minutes making me groan. I detach myself from the guy I was feeding on and I slipped my phone out of my pocket, seeing it was Bonnie.

"Can I help you?"

"Is that any way to greet your favourite cousin?" Bonnie says and I could practically hear her smile on the other side.

"I'm busy. I don't need my guest bleeding all over the couch."

"Are you back at the Salvatore house?"

"Nope, I'm staying by myself. Service is nice." I said, shrugging.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble but you need to clear the rest of your day because we're all heading over to Caroline's."

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