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We got back to the boarding house and I see everyone standing around putting a plan together. I looked around the room to see two new faces, but I stared at the girl a lot longer. She continues to stare at me and frown a little, trying to figure me out.

"Cyrena this is my best friend Bonnie Bennett." Caroline says, introducing the girl and she stands up making me come to realisation.

"Bennett? It's great to meet you." I said, and she smiles lightly at me before I turned to see a guy standing there.

"And this is Jeremey Gilbert."

"Gilbert, huh? I nearly choked out your sister, sorry about that. But on my defence, she has a terrible doppelganger." I said, and Jeremy chuckles lightly.

"Katherine is a bitch, I don't blame you." Jeremey says and I smiled slightly.

"I'll see you all in a bit, I have to go get ready." I said, waving my fingers at them before I turned on my heel and I walked off to my room.

I changed and showered before stepping out into my room where my dress hung on the bedframe. I slipped it on, the dress was red, slim fit and it came mid-thigh making me smirk at my appearance.

I did my make-up before tying my hair up in a neat but messy bun on top my head, leaving a few strands of hair out. I grabbed the mask for it, being red with black lace and a feather, piecing the outfit together with black heels.

"You look beautiful." I hear and I look in the mirror to see Bonnie standing there making me smile.

"Don't look to bad yourself Bennett." I said, smirking as I turned around.

"This is going to sound weird, but do I know you?" She asked and I chuckled, before walking over to her and holding out my hand.

"Grab it." I said, nodding at my arm. She does and then gives me a look before gasping as she pulls her hand away.

"Did you feel that too?"

"I did."

"I've only gotten that feeling from family." Bonnie says, before her eyes go soft, "We're family?"

"Cyrena Bennett, at your service." I said, smiling and she lightly chuckles.

"You're a witch?"

"I used to be."

"What happened?" She asked and I smiled sadly.

"I was turned into a vampire, I wasn't able to practice magic which sucked. No pun intended." I said, and she laughs making me smile.

"Do you miss it?" Bonnie asked looking at me and I nodded.

"I try not too but it's hard. Especially when you've been kicked out of covens for it. And my anger doesn't really help with it all." I said, and she chuckles.

"Do you wish you could go back and redo it? Never become a vampire so you could do magic?"

"I did, but if I didn't then I wouldn't have met the people I have today. I wouldn't have seen the world change in front of my eyes, which is debatable for the better or worse. But then again, I would've found out a spell for immortality." I said, jokingly making her laugh.

"How were you turned?" She asked and I looked at her, feeling the colour drain myself before I put on a smirk.

"That's a story for another time. We now have a job to do and that's taking down a nasty bitch." I said, and she smiles.


We left the boarding house and we got to the Lockwood Mansion, splitting up as we got there. The boys walked off to god knows where and I decided to take a walk around the house, I passed unknown people before bumping into someone.

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