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I took my helmet off, running a hand through my hair as I hopped off and looked to see the Gilbert Residence and I walked over to the door, knocking twice before it opened up and I see Elena standing there.

"Morning sunshine." I said, putting on a smile.

"Elena duty?" She asked and I sighed dramatically.

"I drew the last straw, but then I felt bad for you all alone here on house arrest so I've come to make your dad better." I said, and she chuckles lightly.

"Sure, I've got nothing else better to do." Elena says and I smirked.

"I'd say that hurt my feelings but I have none." I said, and she laughs making me join her. She walks off and I chuckled to myself as I cleared my throat, making her look back.

"You coming?" She asked innocently and I chuckled.

"That's cold." I said and she laughs.

"Cyrena, you can come in." Elena says and I smiled, stepping into the house. I followed behind her as she walked into the kitchen and I looked at her.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" She asked and I nodded.


"Katherine told me that she was running from Klaus in 1495, but how is it possible you only got with him in 1865." Elena asked and I chuckled.

"Well back then, I was kind of busy. I only met Katherine when I saw her feeding on a guy, from then on we stuck together. I knew she was running from someone but I just didn't know who." I said, pursing my lips.

"Then why did you leave him?" Elena asked and I raised an eyebrow.

"You're getting nosey." I said, and she sighs.

"I know, I just wanted to know." She says and I shrugged.

"I found out he was using me."

"Using you to get to Katherine?"

"Yeah, I walked in on him and his brother talking. I spent a century and a half loving him when in the end all he cared about was Katherine." I said, and she gives me a sad look.

"I'm sorry I asked."

"Don't be. I'm over it." I said, putting on a smirk and she chuckles.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?"

"Ms Gilbert, are you flirting with me? I mean, sorry to break it to you, you're not my type." I said and she chuckles rolling her eyes, grabbing snacks.

"Whatever." She says and we walked over to the living room. I sat down and she plops down next to me, I reached for a bag of chips eating it.

"You know you should come to Mystic Falls with me?" Elena says and I snorted.

"Yeah, no thank you." I said, and she laughs.

"Why not?"

"I've been to enough schools to know not to go back." I said, giving her a dead panned look.

"I mean, if you really want to fit in here going to school will be normal." Elena says and I pursed my lips.

"I mean it is boring at home." I said, and she smiles.

"Then it's settled." She says and I laughed.

After hanging out with Elena, which wasn't all too bad, I drove into town and stopping right outside the Mystic Grill. I walked in and I went straight to the bar, ordering myself a round of shots. Drinking was the only thing I wanted to do.

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