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I get back to the house seeing Rose and Damon talking about something but I couldn't be bothered to listen or care about it at this point. I wasn't in the mood for anything. I poured myself a drink and I hear footsteps coming up behind me.

"Do you remember in 64, we had this whole plan to get married and run away together?" Damon says and I chuckled.

"You bring this up now because?" I asked as I turned around.

"Because I always thought I'd end up with you. All those times we had together, I fell for you." Damon says and I smiled.

"But you fell for Katherine, broke my heart into a million pieces." I said, chuckling a little and he smiles.

"I don't think I ever apologised for that." Damon says and I snickered.

"What do you have to apologise for? There was nothing I could do to compete with Katherine and she knew that." I said, and Damon reaches me smiling.

"You know sometimes I imagine what our life would've been like if I didn't go with Katherine, if I had just been with you instead. If I wasn't such a knuckle head and gone with the better choice." Damon says and I chuckled.

"It took you 150 years to figure that out Salvatore?" I said, smirking as I walked past him and up to my room, couldn't help the smile that came across my face.

I was up in my room for seemed like only a few seconds before I hear footsteps downstairs. I frowned a little but didn't think anything of it, thinking it was just Damon downstairs.

"Damon? Rose?" I called out but there was no answer. I then walked back downstairs, looking around and I couldn't find either one of them. I hear someone rush behind me, and I turned but couldn't see anyone.

"Axel?" I said, as I hear another rush, "Come on, I'm not in the mood."

"I found you." I turn around, and I see some guy, 5'9, black hair, green eyes, and wearing all black, standing in the living room.

"Well, hello. The brothers aren't home, can I take a message?" I say, smirking at the guy.

"I'm not here for them. I'm here for you." He says, smirking as well.

"As interesting as that sounds, I'm going to have to pass."

"It's he who wants you." The guy says and I raised an eyebrow, "Klaus has been looking for you all over. He'll be pleased to know that you're here."

"Now you've just pissed me off." I said, glaring at him, "And too think we could've had fun." Before he could react, I rushed over to him and plunged my hand in his chest pulling out his heart.

The guy gasps and I could see him already start to grey, his body drops and I dropped his heart right next to him. I walked over to pour myself a drink, not caring about the blood on the glass as I took a shot.

"Why does it seem like I always miss the fun?" Axel says, walking in and I looked at him, "What?"

"He's found me and the doppelganger. He's coming to Mystic Falls." I said, pursing my lips.


"We're having a disagreement, ok? They're willing to risk everyone that I love, and I'm not." Elena exclaimed as I walked downstairs.

"They're just trying to protect you." Rose replies looking at the brunette.

"And you've proven that you can care less whether I'm protected or not. So, we're back to you taking me to Slater." Elena says and I walked around the corner.

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