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"Ready to go love?" Klaus asked, walking into the room and I see him in a suit.

"Of course. How do I look?"

"Beautiful as always. Just how I remember it too." He says, walking up to me with a smirk. Klaus and I got ready for the decade dance and it so happened to be the 20's, my favourite era.

"Come on, we have things to do. One last hurrah, before we leave." I said, and Klaus smirks kissing me.

"This way my love." He says, escorting me out as we got into the car.

We got to the school and I see everyone dancing, having fun. I dragged Klaus to the dance floor immediately as we danced together. As we were dancing, I spotted Caroline with Tyler who I didn't realise was back in town. Klaus takes me over to where they were and Tyler spots him.

"Where've you been mate?"

"I just got back in town."

"That's funny, I don't recall giving you permission to leave in the first place." Klaus says, glaring down Tyler. Both Caroline and Tyler looked at me, but I just stood next to Klaus, I then stepped forward smirking a little.

"I'm thirsty. I'm going to grab a drink." I said, kissing Klaus on the cheek before leaving him with the three. As I got to the refreshments table, I see Matt standing there and I pursed my lips.

"Cyrena." Matt says, handing me a drink and I accepted it.


"I don't want to ask this, but why are you with him?" Matt asked and I looked at him.

"I'm tired of giving my reasons and no one listening to him. I came here for a good night, considering it is my last." I said, and Matt frowns.


"I'm leaving town, tomorrow. With Klaus, my son and my family." I said, drinking my drink before putting it down, "Don't think I didn't consider you my friend, I did."

"Ready to go love?" Klaus says, walking up to me and I turned to him.

"Where's Rebekah? She should be here."

"I don't know."

"Let's go then." I said, grabbing his hand as we walked out.

"Rebekah, where are you? We came to the dance because you begged us. Call me back." Klaus says, and as he puts his phone away. I went to question why we stopped walking before looking to see there was a barrier around us.

"What the hell?" I said, frowning.

"Your mother's back in town." Stefan says, and I turned around to see him standing behind us.


We were standing around, watching as Bonnie was chanting and trying to find us a way out of here. Damon and Stefan stood beside me as I sat on the table, Jeremey stood a few feet in front of Bonnie while Bonnie's date was watching what was going on.

"She does this all the time right?" The guy asked, looking at Bonnie.

"What's taking so long? All boundary spells have a loop hole." Klaus says, impatiently as Matt walks into the room.

"People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier."

"Matt and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is." Jeremey says and I looked at him.

"You don't know what Esther is doing or what she's capable of."

"Can't you get us out of here?"

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