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"Leaving again?" Tyler's voice was heard and I looked over at him, leaning on his elbows to look at me. I had ended up at Tyler's house again, and he had caught me again sneaking out.

"I'm a very busy girl."

"You leave every time."

"This only happens to be the second out of the fourth time you've caught me." I said, pulling my clothes back on.

"I'm just going to say it out, I like you and last night made me confirm my feelings for you. And I want to be in a relationship with you." Tyler says and I smiled slightly.

"Is your mum home? I think I'll grab that coffee."

"Don't change the subject." Tyler says and I sigh.

"I know you want to be in a relationship but I don't know how I can. I haven't had the best luck with this department and I guess I'm avoiding that." I said, and he comes closer to me.

"I like you a lot Cy and being with you would be the absolute best thing. I promise that I will always be here for you, through the bad and the good." Tyler says, picking up my chin making me look at him, "We don't have to label this if you don't want too." I pushed him back on the bed, hovering over him.

"You're cheesy, has anyone told you that." I said, smiling down at him.

"You have that effect on me." He says, leaning up and kissing me making me smile into the kiss.

"Tyler, honey I- oh, hi Cyrena." Ms Lockwood walks in, making me get off Tyler quickly and Tyler sitting up quickly.

"Morning Ms Lockwood." I said, trying my hardest not to laugh.

"Please sweetheart you can call me Carol."

"Mum, you have to knock before coming in." Tyler says, scowling and his mum smiles lightly.

"I'm sorry for interrupting. I'll come back later." She says, winking at me before walking out. Tyler basically pushes her out, closing the door behind her and he turns around to me making me laugh.

"What?" Tyler says, looking at me with a smile.

"That's the second time you're mum has caught us, my vamp hearing might be out a bit all things considered." I said, making him laugh.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be, I've never actually got to experience the whole awkward catching us thing." I said, and Tyler chuckles.

"That was embarrassing."

"No it was cute. I've never been with a guy-,"

"Who's not immortal." Tyler says and I laughed.

"Technically my ex-girlfriend wasn't immortal, she was a witch."

"Wait, ex-girlfriend?"

"Yeah, she was the first girl I got with when I moved away from New Orleans. Thinking being with a girl after boys would be great, I was wrong." I said, chuckling making Tyler laugh with me.

"I can change your mind on that." Tyler says making me smirk.

"I'm counting on it." I said, before we kissed again. We hung out with each other for another couple minutes before I had to go home.

I got home and was bombarded by Damon who asked where I was considering I left Elena and him alone, now they were on the way to Chicago where I had to go with them. I proceeded to tell Damon he was being a drama queen before packing a bag to join them.

"You really think Stefan is in Chicago?" I asked looking at Elena.

"Yeah, I mean that's our best guess. Have you ever been?"

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