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We had made it back to the house and I was just coming out of the shower. My thoughts ran back to Elijah and I couldn't help but let the tears come out. I hadn't seen him in 20 years, he was my best friend.


NEW YORK, 1981

I stood in front of the mirror, running my hands down my dress and I tilted my head as I continued to stare at myself. It was a baby blue dress with white lacing, it was long and elegant. It was a dress that Niklaus had given me as a gift.

"Miss Bennett, you need any help?" I hear and I looked in the mirror, seeing one of the maids walking in.

"Actually, yes." I said, I turned around making my veins and fangs appear. I sped over to her and I dug my fangs into her neck, she begins to whimper out and screams but soon it fades as I drain every drop of blood.

I dropped the body onto the ground and I just pursed my lips as I picked up my dress walking over her. I motioned to the other maids in my room, telling them to clean it up as I walked away.

"You don't look like you're in a good mood." I hear and I turned around to see Elijah standing there.

"What gave it away?"

"You're not as chipper." Elijah says and I sighed.

"It's nothing." I said, and Elijah just raise an eyebrow at me before holding out his arm.

"Let's go for a walk. Clear that head of yours." He says and I took it, he leads me to the backyard. I looked around and I smiled lightly, I loved being outside in the back, the tress, the nature.

"It's beautiful day today." I said, smiling as I inhaled the fresh air.

"Tell me what's on your mind." Elijah says and I go to speak but he stops me before I do so, "And don't get smart with me Cyrena." He looks at me and I chuckled lightly before a sad smile appears on my face.

"It's Niklaus."

"What's going on?"

"He hasn't been home in days, and I know his busy with everything but he promised he was going to be home, but he hasn't. I can deal with him being gone for a night or two but this, I-," I stuttered for the right words. I didn't get flustered with words but I didn't exactly know how to express them.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm sure there's nothing to be worried about."

"I know we've been together for 115 years but I don't know Elijah. I just don't know how he feels, it's hard sometimes." I said, before sighing, "I love him Elijah, with everything in my heart."

"And he loves you too Cyrena, don't doubt it. My brother is well and indubitably in love with you. I know he doesn't show it very much, but he does." Elijah says and I look at him smiling lightly.

"Thank you Elijah."

"Anytime Cyrena, because we're family now. Always."

"Always." I said, smiling.


I bit back more tears that was coming out as I thought of Elijah, he was always there for me, listening to me go on and even putting me in my place sometimes. He was always that big brother who was always there.

I controlled myself before changing into clothes before walking downstairs. I see the boys were down here, with Rose sitting there.

"I didn't know we were letting the trash in." I said, and I put on a smirk walking over to pour myself a bourbon before sitting on the couch, "You're lucky I don't kill you right now." I glared at her and she looks nervous.

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