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I sat up straight and I looked up to see Klaus and Rebekah both looking at me making me scoff. I stand up, craning my neck side to side as I cracked it feeling a little bit of relief flow through me as I stared them down.

"You know I think breaking my neck more than a thousand times in a row is getting annoying and boring." I hissed at them, mainly at Klaus.

"I didn't need you getting in the way anymore."

"A please never killed anyone."

"And would've you listened to me?" Klaus says, glaring at me and I put on a little smirk.

"There's no need to be petty."

"The both of you seriously need to get a hobby other than fighting. It's getting old." Rebekah says and I glared at her.

"If it's any consolation, I want to go home considering I don't want to be anywhere near the both of you."

"You upset about tonight?"

"No, I'm upset about the cold war." I said, sarcasm dripping from my words, "You killed Tyler and for what? Your stupid hybrid plan, that doesn't even work."

"On the contrary love, it does work. Your cheating ex is well alive." Klaus says and I frowned before looking behind to see the hospital.

"Oh Tyler isn't in there but that doppelganger bitch is." Rebekah says and I tried to wrap my head around it. I go to walk but Klaus stops me making me glare at him.

"What are you doing?"

"She's making a helpful donation." Klaus says and he also looks behind me making me see Damon standing there, "Can't let either of you interfere."

"You'll have to kill me." Damon says, walking up to Klaus, distracting him. I looked to see no one paying attention to me taking the chance to get to the hospital, I looked everywhere before finding her.

I saw her hooked up to machines, tubes in her taking out her blood making me distracted. I felt the veins appear under my eyes, making me feel very thirsty. I shake my head of the thoughts and I walked over to her, unhooking her before picking her up.

I got out not seeing Klaus in sight but Damon spots me, slightly jogging up to me and taking Elena from my arms. We got to the house and it wasn't long until Elena had come back from being unconscious, filling me in on what I missed.

"Hey, have some bourbon. It'll help you forget." Damon states, handing her a glass and she takes a sip.


"Yeah, it's strong. You know, I can help you forget, too. At least the memories you don't want to keep." Damon says and I decided to leave for the basement.

I grabbed out two blood bags, quickly digesting it feeling myself sigh in relief. I disposed of the rubbish into the bin before going upstairs, bumping into Stefan who just gives me a smirk.

"There you are Cyrena."

"Looking for something Stef?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just need to keep an eye on you." Stefan says making me scoff.

"Says who?"

"Says Klaus. He wants me to look over you and Elena. Don't make it anymore difficult." He says making me roll my eyes.

"Forgot about emotionless Stefan, in the 20's you weren't such a dick." I said, and he goes to walk past me but I grabbed his arm, breaking it in a blink of an eye making him groan out in pain.

"You think you're so funny."

"No, but I am older and stronger. That was for Elena." I said, before punching him in the face, "And that's just for being a dick." I smirked, winking at him before walking off.

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