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As soon as I walked into the boarding house, I was met with Elena, Stefan and Elijah standing in here. They were talking about the full moon tonight and how to take down Klaus.

"Tonight, is the full moon. We should assume Klaus is prepared to break the curse." Elijah says and I walk in.

"Gone a couple days and I missed everything." I said, announcing myself and Elijah looks at me, making me smile as I walked over to him.

"I was going to call but-," He goes to say something else but I wrap my arms around him, smiling before feeling his hands wrap around me. We may not get on sometimes but I did love him like family.

"Alright so someone catch me up to speed, I was only half listening to Elena." I said, making her smile lightly, "Sun and Moon curse is fake?"

"Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it...he'll be a true hybrid." Elijah tells us making me nod.

"Then why are we letting him break the curse. We can kill him today. With Bonnie." Damon says, entering the room.

"Damon-," Stefan says, but Elena cuts him off.

"No. Bonnie can't use that power without dying."

"I'll write her a great eulogy." Damon says and I cleared my throat making him look at me, "When did you get back?"

"Bonnie dying isn't an option Damon." I said, and I felt my phone vibrate making me look down to see it was a text.

It's a full moon, be careful tonight

A small smile washes over my face as I see Sabrina's text, I had forgiven her slowly when I was down in New Orleans. I was putting my faith and trust in her again, hoping that she doesn't break it again.

"I'll be back." I said, turning to walk back out.

"You just got back?" Damon says, confused.

"I'm going to need a drink, both literal and figurative." I said, walking to my car. I stopped for a quick snacks on my way to the Grill, walking over to the bar.

"Scotch on the rocks, for both the lady and I." I hear a voice, making me clench my jaw looking over to my right seeing him stand there.

"Guess you ditched your personal body suit, I preferred that one."

"It was getting old." Klaus says and I rolled my eyes, as the drink was placed in front of us.

"It's getting old then I think you should just pack up everything and leave town or take a stake to the heart. Either or." I said, and Klaus smirks immediately showing off his dimples I had missed so much.

No, Cyrena. Don't.

"Why are you so cold towards me love?" Klaus says and I scoffed.

"Always playing dumb Niklaus. Thanks for the drink, but suddenly I'm not thirsty." I said, pushing the drink towards him before walking out. Just as I walked out he had stopped me, pinning me to the wall, before I turn us around pinning him down showing my fangs.

"You haven't lost your touch." Klaus says smirking at me and I scoffed.

"Do me a favour Klaus leave me alone."

"Admit it love, you miss me." He says, before turning us around pinning my arms down before leaning in, "Because I've missed you." He leans in and I go to making him think before pushing him off me, throwing him to the other wall.

"If you think I'm going to fall into mush every time I see you, then the 20 years I've been gone has taught you nothing. I'm not your girl anymore Niklaus." I spat walking away from him and I know he wasn't going to come back to me. I felt my phone vibrate before pulling it out seeing it was from Alaric.

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