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I was sitting beside Rebekah as we got our nails done for the ball Esther was throwing tonight. As we were on the couch, the boys were all getting their suits fitted to them, I was having fun with them all. I was laughing to something Rebekah was saying, as I looked to check on my nails.

"So, have you spoken to my brother yet?" Rebekah asked and I snorted.

"Since when did you care?"

"I don't care about him, I care about you."

"I'm fine Beks."

"Really, because I know you and you've been distant with him. When usually it's hard to keep you two apart." She says and I chuckled, shrugging.

"I don't know, right now I'm focusing on myself and that includes leaving for a couple days."

"You're leaving?"

"Not without you don't worry." I said, and she smirks as we interlocked pinkies.

"Go on Cy, tell me how handsome I look." Kol says, while looking at himself in a suit and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh Kol, you know I don't lie." I said, making everyone laugh just as Klaus storms the room.

"You went after Elena!" He says to Bekah, "What's wrong with you?"

"Here we go." Rebekah says and I chuckled a little, receiving a glare from Niklaus.

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus threatened and I rolled my eyes.

"Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?" Kol asked, turning away from the mirror.

"Oh, go back to staring at yourself." Klaus retorted, scoffing at him.

"And what are you, my father?"

"No Kol, but you're in my house."

"Then perhaps we should go outside."

"Enough." Esther says, and I looked to see her standing in the doorway looking at her sons, "Niklaus, come." She beckons him and they walk away, I kept my eye on her. I didn't trust Esther, not one bit. I just got a bad vibe off her. I snapped out of my thoughts and I see that my nails were dried up, making me smirk down at them.

"So, what do you think?" I asked, showing off my hand to Rebekah who smirks.

"You look just like a lady." Rebekah says making me laugh as I stand up, "Where are you going? The ball is tonight."

"And I have some business to tend too."

"Are you not getting ready here?"

"Since I don't live here, no. But I will see you tonight." I said, blowing her a kiss as I left the house.

I got into my car and drove straight to Caroline's place, I heard from Bonnie that her dad died because he didn't want to become a vampire. I know what it's like to lose your family, so I decided to go see her.

I reached her house and immediately walked over to her door, knocking before I waited. I waited a while before I see her come into view of the door, her eyes landing on me and she smiles. She walks over to the door, chuckling a little as she opens it looking at me.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was out delivering these invitations and I had to make sure you got one." I said, smirking a little and she smiles.

"I did, but I don't think I'm up for it."

"Are you really going to decline my offer without even inviting me into your house? Ouch." I said, and she laughs stepping aside.

I looked into her eyes and it was getting watery, I wrapped my arms around her and she cries silently into my neck. I held her there, rubbing her back as she let it all out before we moved to the living room.

"I'm sorry for crying all over you." Caroline says and I chuckled.

"Don't you worry. I know what's it like losing a family member. It sucks even more when you're a vampire because everything is heightened. But your father also wouldn't want you to lay around here moping." I said, and there was a ring at the door making me smirk. I grabbed Caroline's hand and I took her to the door making her snicker.

"What's going on?"

"I compelled these young ladies here because we are going to that ball tonight, forgetting about everyone else. You need a break and so do I, so let's get ready for this party!" I said, making her laugh as she nods.


We had been getting ready all afternoon, music up high as the compelled girls do our makeup and hair as well as getting us ready. We had just finished our makeup and hair, soon walking behind our change boards into our dresses.

"Three, two, one!" Caroline says and I walked out, she gasps while smiling, "You look beautiful Cyrena."

"So do you Care." I said, looking at the dress I picked out for her.

"Where did you get these dresses from?"

"I stole it from Niklaus who undoubtedly stole it from someone else. He used to gift me all things pretty all the time, some would sit to the side so I thought they deserved a night out."

I looked over at the mirror the girls were holding up and I smirked a little to myself as I see my reflection. I wore a red silk off the shoulder ball gown that touched the floor, I had my hair in a half up half down style that left a few hanging pieces.

My makeup was simple and elegant, didn't want to go all the way and so was my jewellery. I slide on my heels that you couldn't see underneath the dress because it was so long. I grabbed my bag packing what I needed inside before Caroline and I left.

I got us a limo to pick us up which shocked Caroline to say the least before we got to the Mikaelson house. People watched as we stepped out of the car making me smirk, I picked up my dress as we walked inside and I see that it was packed inside the house.

My eyes landed on Niklaus who was speaking to Elijah, he was talking before he locks eyes with me and gets distracted. I couldn't help but stare at Niklaus, I always loved him in a suit, it was one of my weaknesses with him among other things.

I snapped out of it as I pursed my lips, looking away from him as I scoped out the rest of the room. Caroline spots Elena and I told her to go because even though we weren't talking doesn't mean Caroline should ignore her best friend.

So there I was standing by myself, I walked around the ball room before grabbing a glass of champagne for myself drinking my way through that glass before reaching for another.

"Your drinking habits are almost as bad as mine." I hear and I turn to see Damon.

"It gets me by the day." I said, giving him a look and he holds his hand out to me. I stared at him for a second before putting my glass down and accepting his hand, as he pulls me to the dance floor.

"I haven't seen you around lately."

"Don't get your hopes up about it."

"It sucks and all that we're on the opposite sides." Damon says and I scoff.

"Just because I don't stand with you, doesn't mean I don't stand with him. I'm focusing on myself."

"Doesn't make me wanna kill your boyfriend any less."

"And then get killed in the process? A for effort Damon." I said, as he twirls me out and brings me back in.

"I miss you, I hate fighting like this with you."

"Yeah well you made the mistake of trusting her, over me. Choosing her over me, just like you did before." I said, letting go of him.

"Cyrena-," Damon says and I shake my head.

"I am no one's second choice Damon. If you want to choose her, then so be it. She's got you both wrapped around her finger just like Katherine. But this time, I won't hesitate to kill her, she's lucky she's still breathing. You remember that." I said, looking at him, "I never wanted to be your enemy but this is your own doing."

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