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"No, no, Cyrena. Please my love." Niklaus says, curdling Cyrena's body. He wasn't able to save her in time, he strokes her hair out of her face seeing it all veiny and grey.

"Klaus-," Damon goes to say but Klaus vamp speeds out of there. He gets to his house, sitting in the middle of his house with her body in his arms.

"Mum is that- no. No!" Remi yells, running over to Klaus. He grabs his mothers body and breaks down, seeing her lay there, "Mum! Please! Fix her! Someone fix her, oh god!" He cries out.

Cyrena sat on the other side looking at her lover and son, both taking this differently. Klaus didn't cry, he left and went on a rampage through another town not knowing how to deal with his emotions.

Remi, he just got his mother back and now she was taken from his grasp again. He couldn't handle all the pain and suffering, so he did anything a normal vampire would've done. He turned off his emotions. In many ways, he was his mother.

Cyrena not once didn't look over them when she was on the other side, she needed too because even though they couldn't see her, she was always right where she should be. She also had time to reflect, and as she took her time to reflect, so did the boys.

Remi had finally had his flip switched, with the help of the Salvatore brothers who in their hearts knew they owed Cyrena that much. Niklaus was a hard one to change, he lost the love of his life and didn't know how to handle things, finding comfort in anyone.

She didn't hold that against him, she knew she was hurting. So when she heard that Hayley was pregnant, she was happy. Hayley was giving Niklaus the one thing she couldn't and that didn't matter to her, she knew this baby was going to change him.

Cyrena thought that this was it, Niklaus was going to have a baby, have his redemption in life. Remi was graduating high school, he was going to go to college – with his best friends (despite Cyrena having to say something about it before). Everything was okay, she can find peace now with her mum.

And just like that, after wanting and waiting for peace to come, The Other Side decides to collapse. Cyrena was frowning looking everywhere and as she was walking backwards, she bumps into something making her confused.

"Cyrena?" The familiar voice and she turns around to bump into Stefan.

"Stefan?" She says and she didn't know how to feel, she brought him into her arms and he was shocked but hugged her, "How can I feel you? Wait, why are you here?" She was confused, on The Other Side, you don't interact with anyone.

"It's a long story, come on." He says and he drags Cyrena with him making her confused. Suddenly she saw Bonnie and another blonde who was there.

"Cyrena?" Bonnie says now and Cyrena was confused.

"Okay, I must've missed something. What is going on?"

"Grab my hand and you'll pass through to the other side." Bonnie says and Cyrena's eyes go wide.

"Wait, back? Like back to the living?"

"Bonnie is an anchor now. You pass through her and you'll go back." Stefan says and she shakes her head.

"I-I couldn't."

"Just take my hand Cyrena. Go back to your son." Bonnie says and Cyrena chuckles lightly, nodding. She grabs Bonnies hand, gasping as she felt herself pass through before her feet touch the ground.

"Cyrena?" I hear and I turn around to see Elena who was shocked.

"Mum?" I hear and I see Remi there, he had tears in his eyes, "I-It can't be."

"Hey baby." She says and immediately Remi runs into her arms, once they wrap their arms around each other. Remi gasps out in relief and cries into his mothers arms, Cyrena cries finally holding her boy.

"How are you back?" Remi asked, pulling away and she smiles.

"I don't know, I bumped into Stefan and Bonnie. Next thing I know I'm passing through."

"Did you see Damon?" Elena asked anxious and Cyrena shook her head.

"I didn't, sorry. It was all so fast." Cyrena says and she nods before Elena could walk off Cyrena calls out to her again, "Gilbert?"


"Thank you." Cyrena says and Elena was frowning.

"For what?"

"For looking after my son, I know we had our differences but thank you. I really appreciate it." Cyrena says and Elena feels a weight lifted off her shoulder, she knew her and Cyrena were really good friends and maybe they could again. Elena nods at Cyrena and Remi turns to her.

"Ready to come home?" Remi asked and Cyrena smiles.




im well aware that this chapter is wayyy over due & probably sucks but this was the best i could come up with. i honestly forgot that i needed to do this, i probably didnt need to & had other ideas to bring her back but this was the best i could come up with as i said.

i dont know what will happen after this or when it will be set. things still need to be tweaked out.


stay safe & take care

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