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I zipped my bag up and I brought my phone out, texting Axel telling him that I wasn't going to be in Mystic Falls for a while. I grabbed my bags, looking around my room to see if I had forgotten anything else before I walked downstairs straight to my car.

I opened my boot open, throwing my bags inside one was filled with clothes and the other was my cooler filled with blood, just enough for the car ride. I made sure I had everything before I closed it seeing Damon standing there.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm eloping with Klaus." I said with a straight face and Damon just continues to stare at me.

"What happened to you Never leaving?" Damon asked and I chuckled.

"You kids have me working, so I needed a break. Plus, I'm going to see a friend."

"How many friends do you have?"

"As bitchy as I am, I have friends Blue." I said, raising an eyebrow before walking closer to him.

"Where are you going on this adventure?"

"A place I didn't think I'd have to visit for a long time."

"You sure you don't need a road trip buddy?" He asked, smirking and I chuckled.

"As tempting as that sounds, I have to decline. Plus, I don't think Axel would very much appreciate it."

"You're dating mop head vamp?" Damon asked, giving me a look making me chuckle.

"You know me, I'm not tied down by one."

"Be careful." Damon says and I smirked.

"I always am Salvatore." I said, kissing his cheek before putting on my sunglasses and getting into the car.

New Orleans, I'm coming back.

As if that ride wasn't excruciating I finally made it back, New Orleans. I walked down the familiar Bourbon Street, memories coming back in pieces making me smile a little. I walked towards the French Quarter before coming up on a familiar place, smirking to myself.

"Who are you?" I hear a voice behind me and I turn to see a guy with an afro, making me tilt my head a little smirking.

"I'm here to Marcel."

"I'm not going to ask again."

"And I'm not going to repeat myself love." I said, he goes to charge at me but I was quicker and older making me pin him to the pillar by his throat as I let my fangs come out.

I snapped his wrist before picking him up and throwing him to the other side, walking over to him slowly. The guy gets up fuming with anger before grabbing out a stake and about to come up to me, making me chuckle.

"Enough Diego." The familiar voice rings in my ears, I look up on the balcony to see Marcel himself standing there.

"A fabulous welcoming Marcellous." I said and immediately Marcel was a few feet away from me with a huge smile.

"Cyrena." He says, laughing and he comes up to me pulling me into a hug making me smile.

"How've you been my darling?" I said, pulling away from him and looking him over. I hadn't seen him for years and he definitely aged well, as well as a vampire could.

"Good. It's even better to see you again, after all these years. You here with Niklaus?" He asked and I scoff.

"I'm here on my own." I said, and Marcel gives me a look making me purse my lips, "I'm actually here looking for someone."

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