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I had gotten home or more like stumbled through the doors being half drunk, with a guy I brought home. I was making out with him and I pulled from him, I led him to the downstairs living room but was interrupted seeing Damon chained to a chair.

"Looks like you had a night." I said, and he looks up almost shocked to see me, "Guess I'll take my party elsewhere." I walked off leading the random guy to the alcohol where we drank. Just as he goes to lean in to kiss me, he was pulled back by Stefan.

"You can leave now." He says and the guy leaves making me look at Stefan.

"You can have guests but I can't. He was breakfast."

"Considering you've been missing for the last couple days, you can have a blood bag. I'm supposed to-,"

"Be looking after me, whatever." I cut him off as I glared at him, "Interrupt me again Stefan and it isn't going to end well for you." I snarled out at him as I pushed past him to go to my room upstairs.

I got upstairs and decided to take a nice long shower, getting out as I wrapped a towel around myself before pulling an outfit together. I left my hair out to air dry and walking downstairs to see no one was here and helping myself to another drink.

"You really need to stop drinking." A familiar voice says and I turned around to see her, making the tears come to my eyes.

"Mama." I whispered out and she chuckles.

"Hello my light." She says and she comes forward wrapping her arms around me making me gasp. I held onto her before pulling away she holds my face in her hands making me cry.

"How are you here right now?"

"I don't know but I am."

"Where is everyone?"

"Lilli and Max have found their peace along with Thaddeus." She says and I cried more.

"I'm sorry Mama, I-I didn't mean too-,"

"I know my love, I know."

"You definitely came at a good time." I said, chuckling through the tears and she smiles at me warmly.

"You've been through so much my dear, all this pain it will end soon." She says, wiping the tears, "I've been watching over you."

"You have?"

"Of course. With you through the bad and the good. Axel told me to tell you that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself and he's right."

"Of course he did." I said, smiling and she looks at me.

"You know it's okay to love him." She says and I frowned a little before it hits me.

"I-I can't. Not with everything that's going on."

"Klaus. You're the only one who sees the good in him, and he wants to better himself as a man so he can be with you. At first, I wasn't too happy, but seeing him change for the better, is good. Even though I was rooting for you and Sabrina." She says and I laughed.

"I was rooting for us too." I said, touching the locket around my neck smiling lightly. The door then opens and I see Bonnie walking in with Caroline, surprised to see me also.

"Hey, when did you get back?" Bonnie asked and I smiled at her.

"Today." I said, and she walks over to me hugging me.

"I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Thanks Bon." I said, and I see Caroline standing there awkwardly making me clear my throat before turning to my mother, "Uh, this is my mother. Mum this is Bonnie Bennett and Caroline Forbes."

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