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"So, what's your story? How'd you turn?" I asked Remi, as we sat down in the Grill. We had been going around town looking and showing him around, not like there was much to see or do here.

"It was 1285. I was killed in Europe, and next thing I knew I had woken up with a hunger."

"That means you're 17. How weird is that we're a year apart." I said, jokingly and he laughs, "Do you know who turned you?"

"I don't remember, not really seeing their face." Remi says and I nodded.

"Where have you been all these years?"

"After I turned, I rampaged through a village. It took a while for me to get the hang of being a vampire. I met a witch who I was with for a long time, she made me this daylight ring. She then died in 1693, during the trials."

"I'm sorry for your loss, I'm sure she was amazing." I said and he smiles.

"She was the love of my life."

"I know the feeling." I said, and he smirks making me roll my eyes.

"How'd you meet dad?" Remi asked and I chuckled, smiling at the memory.

"We were in the same village, we had basically grown up together. We were 12, we started dating and it was already arranged for us to be married, I was happy. I loved Thaddeus very much. By the time I was 16, we had you. The happiest day of my life was when you were born. We got married two years later and I was pregnant again, before..."

"You were turned." Remi says and I nodded, smiling lightly, "If you could, would you go back to that day and change it?"

"I would want to go back to not killing you all but to change being a vampire, I wouldn't trade it. If I did, then I wouldn't have met the people I know now and who are important to me."

"You mean Niklaus?" Remi asked smirking at me and I laughed, smirking lightly.


"How did you two meet?"

"I left Mystic Falls after learning about the Salvatore's death and I ended up in New Orleans. I heard it was a good place to party, I was angry at Katherine for betraying me and not being able to save the boys so you could say I was a bit reckless back then." I said, making Remi laugh, "I was walking around and I saw him, I knew there was something about him but I couldn't place my finger on it."

"Then what happened?"

"I got invited to one of their parties, they always used to throw one. I met him there, we danced all night, laughed and talked. I knew from that night on I would fall in love with him." I said, smiling and Remi smiles at me. We continued to talk about everything and anything, I wanted to be caught up on what I've missed in his life.

"Fancy seeing you two here." I looked up and see Klaus with Kol making me raise an eyebrow.

"I told you this was where I was going to be." I said, looking at Klaus who gives me a smirk, "What are you two doing here?"

"Not up to any mischief don't worry Cyrena." Kol says and I chuckled.

"Like I would believe anything to come out of your mouth Kol."

"You wound me Cy." He says, putting a hand over his heart, "I see this young chap must be your son."

"Remi." Remi says, holding out his hand and Kol nods while taking his hand as they shake on it.

"You look just like your mother." Kol says and I rolled my eyes, "Why don't you join us today?"


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