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I groaned as I got up, looking around not figuring out where I was before realising I was still in Chicago. I hear noise coming from outside the room before my doors open and I see Rebekah standing there.

"Finally, you're up. Can you get ready so we can leave?" Rebekah says and I give her a look.

"You know 90 years doesn't seem all that long, maybe you should go back into your box." I said, and she glares at me playfully.

"I've missed you too. Now please go get ready." She says and I rolled my eyes but got up anyway.

I thank myself for having Damon drop my bags here or else I'd have to wear the same outfit for god knows how long I'm here for. I shower, washing my hair and body before hopping out, grabbing an outfit from the bag.

I wore black jeans with a nude singlet, pairing the whole outfit together with my heeled boots. I let my hair out in its navy waves before slipping my jewellery back on, I applied my lipstick giving myself a nod in the mirror before walking out to where Rebekah was.

"I still don't get this century." Rebekah says, holding up my phone looking it over making me chuckle.

"Trust me, the 20's are way better anyway." I said, making her chuckle.

"Are you girls ready?" I hear and I turned to see Klaus walking right in.

"Something called knocking Niklaus, try it some time." I said, glaring at him.

"Sorry love, but we're on a tight schedule."

"Call me love one more time and I will stake you in the heart."

"It wouldn't kill me." Klaus says smirking and I glared at him.

"Doesn't mean it will hurt any less."

"Can you two stop bickering like children for once? Gosh I don't even know how you guys tolerated each other after I was gone." Rebekah says jokingly and I scoffed.

"Well it's a good thing I'm not with him."

"Wait, what?"

"You've been gone a while Rebekah, we'll have to catch you up." Klaus says and I snorted.

"Make sure you add in the part where you used me." I said, before looking at Rebekah, "You're brother is a real keeper." I walked out not before bumping into Klaus' shoulder as I walked away.

"Real mature love." Klaus yells out and I just put the finger up. I was walking away and I hear footsteps I knew which was Rebekah's, looking to see her looking at me.

"I talked to him and gave him a good slap upside the head."

"I wish that's all it took."

"I know my brother Cyrena and you know how insecure he is. He didn't mean anything he said and he does love you, the way he looks at you, you are his whole world." Rebekah says, making me stop in my tracks to look at her.

"It's not just that Beks, it's everything else as well. No matter how much I tell him I love him, it's like it's never enough. I love him with my whole heart and when I'm away from him it's like I can't breathe. He is my oxygen, but even then, oxygen can be toxic. So why would I go back to him after everything he has done?"

That stopped her from saying anything else and I was grateful she was willing to drop the subject, for now. We got to a store and Klaus compelled the worker to close the shop and let us get whatever we wanted. Klaus was laying back in a chair holding a glass up as a lady poured champagne in his glass and Stefan on the other chair, drinking his champagne.

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