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"Any day now, Rebekah." Klaus says and I rolled my eyes. I could see Klaus was getting impatient, one of his weaknesses if I had to add, it only been a whole five minutes and I see him getting anxious.

"She has been daggered for over 90 years. Give her a break." I say to Klaus and he now rolls his eyes.

"She's being dramatic."

"Whatever, I need air." I said, walking away. I just got towards the big doors we came through and immediately Klaus stops me.

"Leaving already?"

"You're too paranoid for your own good. I said I was getting air, if I wanted to run Klaus I would've done so before."

"Then why are you still here?"

"Because you continue to lie to me about everything. I just found out we met Stefan in the 20's and you had the audacity to compel me." I said, and he goes to argue but I cut him off, "Don't bother trying to cover it up, I know very well you did."

"I wasn't going to cover it up, I was going to explain."

"This should be good."

"I'm sorry."

"You say that but are you ever? You can apologise all the time but actions mean more than words and not once have you acted like you were sorry."

"I mean it."

"No you don't Klaus, because every time you say you do, you go and do the same shit again. So, why bother apologising when all you do is lie?" I said, scoffing as I looked at him.

"I'm not a good person Cyrena! I don't deserve any of this love!"

"But you do Klaus, you don't see it but you do! I love you! You're family loves you despite you daggering them every time they inconvenient you in the slightest. You don't want to accept the love even the amount of times it's right in front of you."

"I'm a monster Cyrena, that's why!" Klaus snaps and I walk up to him.

"Everyone is a monster Klaus, not just you! I fell in love you with you anyway and look where that got me! So you don't get to feel so sorry because no matter how hard you pushed me or your family away we were there! There till the end only to get treated like shit!" I snapped back, pushing him back.

"Then why did you leave?"

"You broke me! You broke every shred of love and trust I had for you, just so you could fucking complete some stupid ritual, you used me! You used Sabrina to get to me! You killed Axel in spite of jealousy. But did that stop me from every loving you, no! I forgive you over and over again knowing you won't even give it a second glance."


"I give you every chance I could and you still take advantage of that." My voice had cracked now, and I felt the tears coming out, "Everything you did, I swore to myself never to forgive you or give you any chances but look at where I am. I kissed you when I was with Tyler, betraying a relationship I was already going into."

"I know you will never believe me Cyrena but everything I said to Elijah that day, I was lying to myself and you. I lied to Elijah because I didn't want to accept the fact that I was in love with you. Yes when I found out who you were, I wanted to get close to you because of Katherine but getting to know you and love you, it changed everything in me. So, I wanted to be with you. Elijah saw that and when he questioned me, I freaked out." Klaus says, walking up to me as he puts a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Because I love you Cyrena and only you. You made me want to be better, to do better. You are the one for me and you can hate me for as long as you want but we have the future to be together. I will wait for you, no matter how long that is." He finishes staring at me before walking away.

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