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"Is that everything?" Remi asked looking at the boxes that were in my room.

"I still have to grab my clothes. Go see if Klaus needs a hand with moving his bitch of a mother." I said, and Remi laughs.

"Sure. So, where are we going?"

"Hopefully, a long way away from this town. Just you and me." I said, and he smiles.

"Oh and the addition of the Mikaelson family."

"You are Mikaelson's." Klaus says, walking into the room and I smiled at him, "You are family."

"And I'm supposed to call you dad now?" Remi asked, jokingly and I chuckled.

"Go pack up somewhere else." I said, and he laughs walking out of the room. I looked over at Klaus who walks over to me, smirking.

"You've packed up everything, love?"

"Almost. I'll be done in here soon. Just sad we had to let this house go."

"Oh don't worry about that, when it's time we can come back here."

"Back to Mystic Falls? No thank you. I've had enough of this town to last me centuries." I said, and he laughs. He places his lips on mine and I smiled, kissing him back.

"Then where shall we go? Anywhere your heart desires." Klaus says and I smiled.

"New Orleans."

"Why there?"

"I know you love that city. It was your home." I said, smiling and he looks at me.

"It also happened to be the place where I met the love of my life." Klaus says grabbing my hand, before slipping a ring on, "This belongs to you." I see it was my engagement ring making me smile.

"You kept it?" I said, admiring the ring on my left hand. I didn't think I'd ever see this ring again.

"Of course I did, I knew you were going to be in my life again someday so I kept it."

"Are you asking me to marry you Niklaus, because I don't think this is how I imagined it to be." I said, shaking my head jokingly and he laughs.

"You are the love of my life and is the only one for me. So will you do me the honour of making me the happiest man by marrying me Cyrena Eriss Bennet?"

"That speech better get a whole lot of a hell better if you think of marrying me." I said as I jokingly glare at him and he smiles widely, making me chuckle, "So, what's the plan Mr Hybrid?"

"We will get married in New Orleans, the place we first met. Everything will be detailed to the tiniest detail, we will honeymoon in Paris. We will then come back to New Orleans, to our home where our family will be."

"I like the sound of that." I said, and he smiles.

"I love you Cyrena, always and forever." Klaus says and I looked in his eyes solemnly.

"And I love you Klaus, always and forever."

We had made out, and it led to other things before I left the house to run some errands. I was walking around town square before I heard my phone ring in my pocket. I take it out to see it was Caroline texting me.

I know you probably hate me but I need to talk to you. Meet me at the school.

I pursed my lips as I looked at my phone before sighing and pocketing it. I vamp sped to school, walking in through the doors and I couldn't hear anything. I kept walking, hearing a whimpering sound making me frown. I turned and I see Caroline tied to a desk, making my eyes go wide.

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