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I opened my eyes and was suddenly met with the sun shining into the room, making everything seem very bright. I looked around and I see that I was in Tyler's bed wearing his t-shirt as he laid next to me, making me smile.

I get up from the bed making sure not to wake him as I slipped my jeans on, leaving his shirt on. I grabbed the rest of my stuff and I walked down the staircase, just as I reached the door, I hear someone clearing their throat. I turned to see it was Ms Lockwood, she had her hands on her hips making me chuckle in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I was just leaving."

"No worries dear. Care for something to eat?" She asked and I shake my head.

"No thank you. I'm fine, I've just gotta get home to clean."

"Must've been quite the turn out last night." Ms Lockwood says and I smiled nodding.

"Yeah, Elena's birthday so everyone was there."

"I'm hoping you guys were safe." She says making me snort to myself.

"Ty and I left early to hang out. Parties aren't really much so my scene." I said, and she smiles nodding.

"Cyrena?" I hear and I see Tyler walking down, before he could say anything else he notices his mum was standing there, "Uh mum, I didn't think you were going to be home."

"I just got in this morning before I saw your friend trying to leave." She says, smirking a little making me chuckle.

"Mum, this is Cyrena Bennett and Cy, this is my mother, obviously." Tyler says and I smiled.

"I know who she is, it's nice to finally meet you in person Cyrena. We should get coffee sometime."

"Mum-," Tyler goes to say but I cut him off.

"It would be a pleasure Ms Lockwood." I said, smiling, "I better get going. Bye Ms Lockwood."

"I'll walk you out." Tyler says and we both walked outside. Just as he closed the door, I smirked looking at him.

"You're mum's cute."

"I'm sorry about that, I'm sure it was awkward." He says and I chuckled.

"It's fine, I just never experienced the whole 'caught-in-the-act-by-the-parents' thing. To say it was new would be an understatement."

"What are you doing later?"

"Probably getting coffee with your mother later." I said, smirking and he gives me a deadpanned look, "I'll meet you at the Grill." I kissed his cheek before leaving.

I reached the house, having a shower before hopping out and changing into an outfit for the day. Just as I was in my bathroom drying my hair, I could hear Elena's footsteps coming into my room.

"What dying mission are we going on now?" I asked, walking out and meeting Elena who sat on my bed.

"Stefan called me, I've spoken to Alaric and he's told me that their tracking werewolves."

"Then we should talk to Tyler, he would know where they meet up." I said, as I pulled my hair up into a ponytail.

"Why are you always on board with me?" She asked and I smiled.

"One, Stefan is like my brother and I would do anything for him. Same goes for him. Two, I promised him I would protect you, not matter how dumb your plans are." I said, pulling on my shoes making her smile, "I'm already meeting Tyler, let's go."

"You and Tyler huh? Which makes me question where did you two disappear too last night?" Elena asked smirking at me and I give her a smile.

"We were playing monopoly."

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