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"If everyone could gather, please." Elijah says, I was standing at the front where I see the Original family, "Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's a tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick, is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find a partner." He gestures to the floor and before I could pick a partner, I was whisked away.

"Hello darling." Kol says and I smirked as we danced.

"Kol, up to mischief lately?"

"You know me, can't keep out of it." He says, making me laugh, "You look beautiful tonight, it's a shame you're my brother's wife or else you'd be with me." I laughed even more, shaking my head at him.

"What a predicament we're in." I said, playing along making him chuckle, "I am on the market but I don't do brothers." I shrugged making Kol laugh.

"On a serious note, you do look amazing Cyrena as usual. And I'm not flirting, I swear, it's a real compliment." Kol says and I smiled.

"I missed you, you know that."

"You're the only one who seems to care about me."

"That's not true, your family loves you Kol. They may not show it, but they do. And I'm telling you now, I love you Kol Mikaelson because you are my family." I said, and he smiles nodding, "You may be a pain in the ass, but life without you would suck."

"And to my best friend Cyrena Bennett who I would do almost anything for." Kol says making me slap his shoulder letting him laugh out loud, "The only true person who I love other than myself."

"You just had to ruin the moment." I said, smiling at him and he does the same. He twirls me and I get to my next partner, immediately making my mood come down.

"You look beautiful love." Klaus says and I pursed my lips.

"I don't need your compliments."

"You know it is true, I do love Kol, he is my brother after all."

"Do you listen in on every conversation I have?" I said, glaring at him.

"I need to make sure you're safe."

"I know how to handle myself, thank you very much. Now shut up, you're ruining the song with your yapping." I said, as I listened to the music waiting for this dance to be over.

"I'm sorry Cyrena, please. You can't ignore me forever."

"I did for 20 years." I said, and before he could say anything else I spun myself around to the next partner landing with a young boy.

"You look stressed."

"I don't know what gave that away."

"I'm guessing it has something to do with him?" The guy says and nodding over to Klaus making me scoff lightly.

"It's complicated." I said and the guy nods.

"I know complicated, been dealing with that my whole life."

"If we're unpacking our life stories, I'm telling you now, I win." I said, giving him a look making him laugh.

"My parents were killed, I was the only one left alive."

"My whole family is dead, people I come into contact with dies."

"I guess that's what happens when you become a vampire." He says and I looked at him making him laugh, "Lack of heartbeat." He taps his ears and I give a little smirk as I looked at him. Something about him was familiar.

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