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The last few days had been so chaotic that I didn't even want to be around here anymore. Mikael was out, who I'm guessing Katherine let out, who is still alive by the way after everything she did. Wishing someone had just killed her.

Rebekah had also found out about how Niklaus had killed their mother, I didn't say anything because I had known. Only in a moment of weakness from Klaus who was drunk and feeling every emotion under the sun.

Now they were planning on killing him and I was conflicted on who's side I was on because I knew I needed Klaus but I also needed my friends here in Mystic Falls. So maybe if I put about a thousand miles between myself and everyone I didn't have to choose.

I was walking around my room when I felt a gush of wind behind me, I turned around to see my window was open. I felt someone behind me, I quickly whipped around, about to use my powers, but then I was quickly pinned to the wall with my hands pinned above me.

"Too slow." Klaus says and I let out a small smile before it falls.

"You can't be here right now." I said, looking to see my door was open and anyone could walk in.

"Then let's go." He says and I nodded, needing to get out of here anyway. In a flash we were at the falls, very from anyone who could eavesdrop and I turned to Klaus.

"You didn't tell me you were coming back?"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"You just might end up surprising yourself with a stake in your heart Niklaus." I said, raising an eyebrow and he puts a hand on my face.

"Don't ruin the moment love." He says and I looked at him seriously.

"Look, I don't know what everyone's planning but I know that's the only reason you're in town. I can't lose anyone else, okay?"

"I know."

"I'm not kidding Klaus, no matter how angry you are you can't be killing everyone here. They're my friends." I said, and he smirks.

"No promises love."

"I love you Niklaus and I can't stand losing anyone else right now. Please promise me that." I said, admitting it and he looks at me.

"I promise you won't lose me, you're with me forever now. I love you Cyrena." He says, leaning in and kissing me making me close my eyes, keeping him close to me. I pulled away from him and I looked at him with a smile.

"I have one more surprise for you."

"What is it?" I asked, frowning a little and he hands me a file, I looked at it and I raised an eyebrow.

"I had one of my witch friends track your son. These are the latest places he's been." Klaus says and I felt my stomach drop.

"Wha-How?" I asked looking at him.

"After the call, I made arrangements to see if he was alive and he is. He's been looking for you."

"Are you serious?" I asked, tears coming to my eyes.

"He heard word that you were out in Chicago and that's where he was spotted last. I'm still waiting to hear back on more."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you Cyrena." Klaus says and I smiled.

I had gotten home after all day being with Klaus, still not believing that my son was alive but I was happy. I was happy and I had hope. Klaus told me he would update me if he leaves to go somewhere else. Now I was home and getting ready for Homecoming, not really into it but I decided I wanted to go.

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