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There was a knock on the door, making me sigh as I detach myself from my meal who was sitting there prettily. I wiped the blood off my mouth, before opening up the door and I see Klaus standing there making me purse my lips.

"No one's home." I said, about to close the door and he holds it open.

"Come on love, come home."

"I'm enjoying myself here." I said, walking back inside as I poured myself a drink, "How'd you find me?"

"I know you better than anyone else. Plus I found you when you first checked in." Klaus says, smirking and I rolled my eyes.

"Good for you. There's the door, don't let it hit you on the way out." I said, and he walks over to me.

"I'm sorry love, I hate you being angry with me and hating me."

"Niklaus, you know I don't hate you. I just hate the things you do, because then it puts me in a position where I have to choose and I choose you, over and over again. Where does that leave me?" I asked and he comes up to me.

"With me." Klaus says and I pursed my lips.

"Did you tell Tyler to bite Caroline?"

"I healed her."

"After you told him to bite her. Are you deluded in the head?" I asked, glaring at him.

"I thought you hated him."

"I do, but if you ask your pet to bite her again, I will not hesitate to rip your whole hybrid family apart. Considering that's all you ever cared for."

"I care about you Cyrena, please come home." Klaus says, walking in front of me and I gave him a look. He knew I was going to come back, that's how it went with us, we were inseparable for the worst.

"You make me choose time and time again, and I choose you. Why do you continue to do such assholery things? I want for once, people to see how I see you. The sweet, caring, love of my life." I said, walking close to him as I looked at him before sighing as I felt my heart hurt, "But for once, I'm choosing myself."


"Give me time Niklaus." I said, and I see his eyes water a bit. I didn't want to but I needed to think about what I wanted and what to do. If I choose Klaus, I lose everything I've tried so hard to build here. But if I choose Mystic Falls, I'm fighting against someone I love.


All day today I had been thinking and trying to make my mind up, but it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. I sat in the Mystic Grill bar, where I was finding myself most nights, I was staring at my glass when I hear someone pull a seat up next to me.

"Look, if you're here to give me shit I honestly don't want to hear it." I said, knocking back my drink before grabbing the bottle again.

"No, you just looked lonely." Alaric says and I snickered.

"I'm lonely either way." I said, handing him the bottle as he grabbed a glass pouring himself one. We clinked glasses before tipping the contents in our mouths and taking it one go.

"If I'd known any better, I think I've found my new drinking partner."

"You wouldn't want me as your drinking partner. I'd just out drink you." I said, shrugging my shoulders making him chuckle and I smiled.

"So how you doing?" He asked and I stared at my empty glass.

"I don't want to be sharing my sob story, I don't think you'd be able to handle it."

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