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"How are you feeling?" Klaus asked me and I turned to him.

"Murderous, as rightfully so. I nearly died the other night and I can't kill the one very thing who did this to me. So, I'm angry." I said, going through my closet.

"Come on love, we're going to find Finn and it shouldn't be too hard his old lover is in town."

"Ah yes, I've heard about Sage. Rebekah seems to not like her in any shape or form." I said, and Klaus turns me around making me look at him.

"Tell me what's wrong love?"

"I nearly died after having my son back in my life not even 24 hours. Your mother took away my powers, everything that connects me to being a Bennett. And this is all because of that doppelganger bitch who I trusted." I said, and he looks at me.

"No need to pout my love, everything will go back to the way they were."

"You're all still linked Niklaus, okay. I may have wanted you dead before and maybe even wished it, but for it to actually happen I-,"

"Nothing is going to happen Cyrena." Klaus says, putting his hands on my face, "I'm going to be fine. We all will be." Klaus places a kiss on my head and I sighed as I closed my eyes, he pulls away giving me a smile before he walks out.

I got ready and I left town, I needed to kill something and fast my emotions were all over the place. Klaus and Rebekah went to go fetch Finn, who they had conveniently found which is good because I wanted to give him a piece of my mind.

I went to a few towns over, sitting in a bar as I fed and drank alcohol for majority of my day. I was feeding on one of the girls there, hearing her whimper before I heard the door open making me look over to see Remi.

"I was looking for you." He said and I detach myself from the girl.

"Well you found me." I said, pouring myself a drink and he comes over.

"Niklaus said you'd be on a binge."

"Well blood bags weren't really working and Mystic Falls is full of vervain people so, I went with another option."

"How are you feeling?"

"Why is that everyone's sudden question? Do I have it tattooed across my forehead?" I said, downing another drink and Remi comes over to the bar.

"No, but you did lose your powers. That must've sucked." He says, pouring himself a drink and I pursed my lips, shrugging my shoulders.

"It's not like I haven't lost them before."

"Yeah but you got them back, and if I do remember correctly, you loved being a witch." Remi says and I looked at him.

"You were two, how could you possibly remember?" I said, and he laughs.

"You used to always practice whenever you could. Showed me a few things from your grimoire." Remi says and I chuckled.

"If only life was that simple."

"But then if you went back, you probably wouldn't have met Klaus."

"One way or another, we would've crossed paths. The universe sometimes sucks but I know we were destined to meet each other." I said, and Remi smiles at me.

"I never liked him, only because of the stories I heard of him but he's not bad." Remi says and I laughed, "It's boring in here, why don't we do something else?"


"Anything than standing in a bar with dead bodies." He says and I chuckled, looking at him.

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