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It had been a long summer break, the first month I had non-stopped crying about Axel. Regretting that I hadn't said I love you back, which made going out a little harder. Stefan had given his life up for Damon and was on the run with Klaus somewhere.

I had turned my sadness into anger as I usually do, going MIA for a while as I killed everything in my way. Marcel had found me when I ended up in New Orleans coincidentally, helping me with my loss. Before staying in New Orleans with Sabrina who helped me practice my magic more.

I was just grateful to have the girls with me as a support system, along with Jaylee and Bryn who came to Mystic Falls for Axel's funeral. They had to pull me out of bed, to get myself back out there.

Getting closer to Matt who was finally able to look in me in the eyes, Jeremey and Alaric were also people I was getting close with. I even spent some time with Tyler who was a help in getting me on my feet.

"Hey, you okay?" I hear and I see Elena walking in making me smile.

"No need to worry about me birthday girl." I said, smirking as I walked up to her handing her a small box, "Happy birthday."

"I thought I said no presents."

"We both know I don't listen." I said, making her laugh. She smiles before opening it up before gasping and looking at it in awe, it was a locket.

"Thank you. I love it." She says and puts it over her head and hugs me and I smiled.

"Anytime." I say and I feel my phone vibrate in my jacket pocket. I slipped it out and it was a text.

Wanna meet at the grill?

Be there in 5

"I've gotta go, but I'll see you later." I said, and she smirks.

"Was that Tyler?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows and I chuckled rolling my eyes as I slipped on my jacket.

"It's not like that. He helped me a lot over the summer and we're just friends." I said, and she just nods her head sarcastically. I rolled my eyes again before walking out of the house and driving straight to the grill.

I pulled up to the grill walking in and I could see it was already filtered with people everywhere. I searched the area before my eyes landed on Tyler who was standing at the pool table with another guy.

His eyes landed on mine and he smiles, I began to walk over and the guy he was with walked away. I made it in front of him, smirking as I leaned against the pool table.

"Missed me Lockwolf?" I said, and he chuckles.

"I wouldn't want to lie." Tyler says, making me laugh as I pushed his shoulder back lightly, "You going to Elena's party?"

"If I wanted to miss it, I wouldn't be able too. Caroline would drag me even if I was on the other side of the world." I said and he laughs, making me laugh too.

"That's true."

"Are you going?"

"There was only one reason for me to go and that reason just told me maybe." Tyler says and I raised an eyebrow.

"There are other girls to go with." I said, and he steps closer to me.

"None that I want to go with." He says and he goes to lean in making me smirk.

"Looks like you're staying home tonight." I said, and he stops close to my face chuckling. I move away from him, walking around to the other side of the pool table.

"How about this? You verse me in pool, I win, you're my date to the party." Tyler says and I give him a look before smirking.

"That's certainly optimistic of you. And if I win?"

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