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I hear her now being questioned by the boys, as I poured myself another drink standing by the barrier. I put my hand up against it trying to push past it, but it doesn't work making me look at it. I couldn't feel the magic, which made me put my hand down.

I turn around to grab another drink and I look up to see Katherine looking at me. I raised an eyebrow as she continues to stare at me, making me roll my eyes.

"Is there a reason for you staring or do you need your eyes removed?"

"You're alive." She says, I looked to see she had guilt and sadness in her eyes but she was putting on a smirk. She was hiding how she actually felt.

"Amazing observation, you got smarter over the years."

"Who saved you because I know you can't practice magic."

"Emily, thanks to her I know what the true meaning of family is." I said, and Katherine gives me a sad look for a second.

"I don't know what came over me, I didn't mean it." She says and I scoffed.

"Yeah, didn't mean to shove a stake through my heart." I said sarcastically as I put a hand over my heart.

"You were going to jeopardise everything we had worked for." Katherine says and I glare at her.

"I was by your side when no one else wanted too, never had I asked for anything. Yet, it was always about you." I spat out at her, getting angry and she clears her throat. She goes to say something else but a voice cuts her off.

"Katherine..." I turn to see a woman come in with the moonstone, "The spell in this room has been broken. You're free to leave." Katherine clears her throat and puts on her smirk.

"Thank god." Katherine says, standing up and walking over to her.

"When I hand this over, my debt to you is over."

"Done." Katherine says, holding her arm out.

"I owe you nothing." The girl says.

"I said done, give it."

"I wouldn't do that." Damon says, stepping forward. The woman gave her the moonstone, and soon Katherine started to choke.

"You should've told me another witch was involved. She's a Bennett witch, Katherine. But I'm sure you knew that." The girl says, and that's when it clicks, she was a Bennett also.

"Wait Elena-,"

"Elena's fine. The spell is broken. She'll heal quickly. Bonnie is with her." The girl says and she looks over at me, "I apologize for my involvement."

"Wait." I said, rushing out to her and she gives me a small smile.

"Cyrena Bennett, never the day did I think I'd be meeting history." She says and I smiled lightly.

"Surprised I'm still considered family."

"You were one of the most powerful witches in our bloodline, you're a legend in this family."

"Now I'm a cold-blooded killer that wears the Bennett name." I said, and she nods lightly.

"You are still one of the most powerful witches, your magic is harbored inside of you. You need to trigger it." She says, and she walks off without saying another word.

After speaking with her, I walked out into the carpark and I see that everyone was now leaving. I looked down to my dress that now had a big hole in it, making me sigh as I looked up bumping into someone.

"Sorry." I said, and I looked to see it was Elena.

"It's fine." She says, smiling and I returned it.

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