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We were walking through the woods, Matt was finally awake and was helping us with Caroline and Tyler. Tyler begins to groan again and I see his eyes glowing, making me want to get the hell out of here. Suddenly a phone rings, making Damon take his out of his pocket.

"Bad time little bro." Damon says, and I decided to use my vamp hearing.

"What the hell are you doing?" Stefan asks.

"Saving the day. I figured you'd understand. Just tell Elena to stay put."

"She's already gone, Damon."

"What?" Damon and I say in unison.

"Klaus came. He took her." Stefan says, making Damon and I stop as we turned to one another.

"I'll take care of it." Damon says and hangs up and before I could ask how he was going to do that, Tyler falls to the ground, groaning.

"Tyler!" Matt yells.

"I don't know if I can hold it off. Get out of here." Tyler says, beginning to shift.

"Tyler, it'll be okay." Caroline tries to soothe Tyler.

"Go!" Tyler yells.

"You've got time. We're almost there, just-," Caroline says, but Tyler cuts her off.

"It's happening faster." Tyler says.

"We have to get out of here." I said, but Caroline ignores me and walks towards him. Tyler snaps his head up, his eyes shifting colour and he jumps forward towards Caroline. I acted quickly, jumping in front of her and tackling Tyler to the ground but he manages to pin me down first.

"Hurry! Go, I will hold him off!" I screamed at them and they weren't moving, "Go!"

They reluctantly left and I pushed Tyler off me, sending him flying a few metres away from me. He looks at me before coming back to attack me and he pushes me to the ground but I quickly pinned him under me.

He bites my arm and I screamed out in pain, loosing balance and before he could bite me again he was suddenly off me. I get up and I see Damon tackling Tyler, getting bitten in the process before Damon throws him a few feet out.

"Damon!" I yelled out and he looks at me.

"Cyrena, go!"

"No, you're not supposed to be here. You're supposed to be safe."

"How can I be safe knowing you're out here." Damon says, coming over to grab my face before looking me over, "Get away now."

"You've been bitten, you need to leave."

"So have you and yet here you are, now leave. I'll find you, I promise." He says and I cursed at myself, vamp speeding out of there.

I had made it back to the house, cleaning myself up and needing to gain some strength tonight. Knowing Klaus, he always has a back-up plan and I wasn't about to let this ritual happen tonight. I looked down at my arm, the werewolf bite getting worse but I shook it off.

I was walking through the woods, I was stumbling, feeling weak. I leaned up against the tree and I took a deep breath in. I needed to focus on what I was doing so I could muster up the strength to defeat Klaus. I vamp sped to the quarry and I could hear Klaus' voice followed by an unknown one.

Before I could make out the conversation, I hear a twig snap behind me and there Stefan was.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing." He says walking up to me.

"I'm going to stop the ritual."

"How?" He asks and steps in front of me.

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