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"Morning, love."

I greeted as I walked into the kitchen and saw my adoptive dad and his boyfriend, Steven.

"Morning." Steven greeted as I grabbed an apple and bit into it.

"Are you ready to go see your mom and sister?" My dad asked sipping his coffee quietly.

"I'm not sure. I mean, I do miss Caroline and mum, but I'm going to miss you guys as well." I answered as I sat next to my dad.

"Well, go get your luggage and we will drop you off at the airport." My dad ordered. I walked upstairs and grabbed my suit cases before heading back down stairs.

"I'm ready Steven, Dad!" I yelled to them. Soon after, they were walking into the living room and we were rushing outside to Steven's car.

Once we arrived I hopped out of the car and walked inside. While they were checking my bag I walked over to my dad and Steven.

"I'm gonna miss you Steven." I frowned, hugging him.

"I love you dad. I'll miss you and I will visit soon." I moved to my dad, hugging him and kissing his cheek. I walked back to my stuff and did the normal routine. Soon, I was sitting on a plane to Mystic Falls, Virginia, where I soon fell asleep.

When I awoke I noticed I had reached my destination so I got off the plane and searched around for my mum. She was supposed to come get me and because Caroline didn't know I was coming home, Caroline wouldn't be with her. I soon spotted mum and ran up to her, wrapping my arms around her.

"Mum!" I smiled. She hugged me back tightly. After we grabbed my bags we walked outside to the car, where she put my suitcases in the trunk. We got in the car and drove home with one thought on my mind. 'I'm glad to be back.'

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