Chapter Ten

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I woke up and got dressed in my black shirt and whit short jean shorts. I straitened my blonde hair and went downstairs.

"Hello Caroline." I greeted seeing Caroline in the kitchen. 

"Hey Juliet, how you feeling?" She asked. 

"Hungry. Can you please hand me a blood bag?" I asked and she tossed me one. I drank it careful not to get any on my clothes. I threw the empty blood bag into a fire and left to go to the grill. Once, I got there the first person I noticed was Kol. 

"Kol!" I yelled and hugged him. 

"Hey Juliet." He greeted hugging back.

"Have you told anyone else your little secret?" He asked, releasing me. 

"I swear I am going to announce it today, I just didn't exactly know what to say." I promised. 

"Are you ever gonna tell them about you dating my brother?" Kol asked. I looked down. 

"I might add that in somewhere." I lied. 

"Mhmm." He hummed, not believing me for a second. The next person I saw was Klaus. 

"Hello love." He greeted kissing my cheek. 

"Hey Klaus." I greeted looking for any one I knew. I saw Damon staring right at us. 

"I'll be right back." I stated walking away. I stopped when I was right in front of Damon. 

"Damon." I greeted. 

"Why did Klaus just kiss you? Your sister wont like that very much." Damon stated, almost teasingly. 

"That's why you should keep it a secret." I stated. 

"Why would I do that?" He asked stepping towards me. 

"Can I have some personal space please?" I asked pushing him and making him stumble back. 

"You're stronger than last time we met." Damon pointed out. 

"You're very observant. That's because I was killed-ish." I stated quickly. I then flashed off next to Klaus. I looked and Damon and shushed him then I turned around and saw Klaus.

"Hello Klaus." I greeted. Kol was gone. 

"Where is Kol?" I asked. 

"He said he had some business to attend to." Klaus smiled.

 "Wanna hang out at my house?" Klaus asked. I smiled and nodded. 

         Soon, we arrived and walked inside. We went upstairs. We both sat next to each other on his bed. 

"So are you going to tell everyone you're a vampire soon?" Klaus asked. 

"Yeah." I sighed. He looked at me and kissed me. I kissed back and soon he was leaning back and I leaned so I was on top of him. 

"Ahem." A British women said from the doorway. I pulled away and sat next to him blushing. 

"Bekah? Who undaggered you?" Klaus asked. 

"Kol, he undaggered Elijah too if you want to go have a family reunion, hes out talking to the doppleganger and Salvatores." The pretty blonde women said. 

"Who is this?" She asked looking past Klaus.

"Hello I'm Juliet." I greeted. 

"Hello Juliet. I'm Rebekah, Klaus' sister." She greeted. I smiled at her and she smiled back. 

"I like her." She said to Klaus. Klaus laughed. 

"So do I." Klaus joked. 

"Do you like shopping?" She asked. 

"I kind of have to, Caroline is my adopted sister." I laughed. 

"Great. We should go shopping." Rebekah suggested. 

"Sure. Klaus I'll see you later." I stated standing up and walking over to Rebekah. 

"Fine." Klaus said before appearing in front of me and kissing me. 

"Okay. Lets go." Rebekah laughed as she dragged me to the mall. 

"Where to start?" I asked. 

"Shoes!" Rebekah screamed dragging me to the first out of many shoe shops we had to search.

              We had finally just got back to her house after shopping for three hours. We had at least fifty outfits and ninety shoes. I laughed as we drug it upstairs and drop them in her room. "I'm exhausted." I laughed falling on her bed. She laughed too. "That was awesome Juliet." She yelled. I got up and told everyone good bye. It was time for my big announcement. 

            I drove home and texted everyone that I knew was supernatural that included, Tyler, Caroline, Elena, Stefan, Damon. 

Hey meet me at my house in about ten minutes. 

I sent the message walked upstairs and started pacing. Soon, there was a knock on the door I saw Caroline. "Stay out here I'm gonna tell everyone." I stated walking outside onto the porch. Soon, everyone was here. "I'm a vampire now. Peace." I said walking inside and upstairs. I knew that everyone's jaw dropped except for Damon and Caroline and Bonnie. I laughed as I left.

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