Chapter Thirty One

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I woke up in the living room. I had fallen asleep watching T.V. with Klaus. I looked up to see Klaus laying there asleep also. I lightly giggled and kissed him. 

"Wake up Mr.Mikaelson." I sang. 

"Fine future Mrs.Mikaelson." Klaus opened his eyes and kissed me. I stood up and walked to the door way. 

"You coming?" I asked. 

"Where are we going?" Klaus asked standing up. 

"Cake tasting." I said. He followed me out the door and to the tasting. 

         I shoved a bite of red velvet cake into my mouth. 

"Mmmmm. This is delicious." I whispered to Klaus. He tried a bit. 

"Let's just test the others before we choose love." Klaus said. We walked over to a black cake with red icing dripping from the top. 

"I love the way this one looks." I pointed to it. I bit into it and it tasted like it was a blend of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla. 

"Try this." I said feeding some to Klaus. 

"I like it." Klaus said. 

"Can we get it?" I asked.

"Of course." Klaus stated. 

           I was sitting on the couch at the Mikaelson's. 

"Klaus. I have a problem." I calmly stated. 

"What is it love?" Klaus asked. 

"I have to choose the maid of honor." I said. 

"What's so wrong with that?" Klaus asked.

"I have to choose between Caroline and Bekah." I said.

"Caroline. Bekah will be fine with that." Klaus said. I sighed. 

"So, Elena. Bonnie, Bekah... I need one more." I stated. 

"One more what?" Klaus asked sitting next to me. 

"Brides maid." I groaned. 

"Oh. You seem stressed. You should rest." Klaus suggested. 

"I can rest when I'm dea- wait." I laughed. 

"I have to inform the braids maids I have already chosen. Who is going to be your guys?" I asked. 

"Kol, Elijah... I might ask a Salvatore or two." Klaus laughed placing his hand on my thigh. I stood up and kissed him. I went to Elena's house and knocked on the door. Soon, the door opened and Elena was standing there. 

"Hey Elena. I know we haven't hung out lately. I've been busy, but can I ask you a favor?" I asked.

"Sure." She smiled. I tried to walk in, but couldn't get past the threshold. 

"Fuck!" I mumbled. 

"Can I come in Elena?" I asked. 

"Sure." She invited. 

"Okay, so I was wondering, would you like to be one of my brides maids?" I asked. She smiled and hugged me. 

"Of course." She laughed. 

"I'm sure Bekah or Caroline will help you shop." I said. 

             I walked up the steps until I was on the porch. I knocked on the door. Bonnie opened it. 

"Hey, Bonnie. You don't need to invite me in, but can I ask a favor?" I asked. 

"Sure." Bonnie said. 

"Will you be one of my brides maids?" I asked. She smiled and hugged me. 

"Yes." She nodded. 

          I was back at the Mikaelson's. I walked upstairs to Bekah's room. 

"Bekah!" I yelled. She opened her door. 

"What do you need?" Bekah asked. 

"Will you be one of my brides maids?" I asked. 

"Yes." She said hugging me. 

I was sitting in Klaus' room alone. Klaus walked in his room. 

"Hello love." He greeted. 

"Hey. Did you convince the Salvatore's?" I asked as he sat down. 

"Yeah." Klaus sighed. 

"Great." I kissed him. 

"Did you find your last brides maid?" Klaus asked. 

"No." I sighed. I laid my head on his chest. I eventually fell asleep right there. 

                      Weddings are stressful.

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