Chapter Thirty Eight

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"You're pregnant."

I stood there, shocked.

"I'm a vampire. That's not - that's not possible." I argued.

"I know, but you are." She convinced.

"How?" I asked, trying to grasp the concept.

"I don't know. I'm only a beginner, but I'll find out soon." She promised.

"Okay. Tell me what you find out." I sighed, hanging up. Suddenly I heard the door open down stairs. I sat on the bed and sighed as Klaus walked through the door.

"Hello, love, what's wrong?" He asked, noticing how confused I looked.

"Janet said something. It's fine. I'll tell you when I know more." I explained.

"Okay love." Klaus kissed me, a soft smile on his face.

"I can hear it." I mumbled to myself, forgetting Klaus was there momentarily. I could hear the heartbeat of the little infant. My baby.

"Hear what?" Klaus asked.

"Nothing." I smiled.

"Are you sure?" He asked, concerned.

"Mhmm." I nodded. 
 I was at the grill with Janet and Alex, talking about the baby.

"What have you found out?" I asked Janet.

"Are you a hybrid or just a vampire?" Janet asked.

"I'm not a wolf, never was." I shook my head.

"Okay, well then this isn't possible." Janet argued. I groaned and suddenly the cup that I was using caught on fire. I dropped it and screamed.

"I swear I didn't do that!" Janet explained holding her hands up in defense.

"I believe you. This has been happening for a while. Lights go out by themselves. Lamps fall over." I explained.

"Even though I dont know how this is possible, I can still find out the gender today." Janet explained.

"Really? Okay later though." I smiled.

"So how did Klaus take it?" Alex asked, amusement working into his tone.

"I didn't tell him." I explained. Then, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

"Tell me what love?" Klaus asked, confusion twinges in his voice.

"Um... well something completely impossible happened and..." I started but trailed off, my nerves getting the best of me.

"Your wife is pregnant." Janet blurted. He stood shocked before breaking into a smile.

"How is this possible?" He asked, amazement in his eyes.

"That's what we are trying to figure out." Alex explained with a shrug.

"Wow. I'm going to be a father?" Klaus asked in disbelief.

"Yes you are." I smiled at him.

"Janet can find out the gender today." I explained.

"Great." He smiled, tears in her eyes. 
We were at Janet's house and I was on the couch leaning against Klaus.

"What do you want it to be?" I asked, a smile on my face.

"A boy." He responded.

"What would you name it if it was a boy?" I asked with a smirk.

"I don't know." He replied as Janet walked in the room.

"Okay, we're ready." She sat down criss cross and started chanting in some other language. Suddenly the lights flickered. Then they stopped.

"It's going to be a... " 

               To be continued...

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