Chapter Twelve

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I woke up in a room that wasn't mine. Oh yeah Damon's. I got up and walked down stairs where I found Damon, asleep. I grabbed my keys and drove home. Soon, I arrived I went to my room and changed out of my dress and into a pair of skinny jeans and a T-shirt that hung off my shoulder. I walked back downstairs. I grabbed my keys and opened the door only to run into Caroline. 

"Juliet. " Caroline smiled.

 "I'm busy." I tried to walk off but She grabbed my arm. 

"Please talk to me about this." She begged. She waited for a response and I provided. 

"Just leave me the Hell alone." I growled before walking out the door and to my car. I drove around for a while before I decided to go to the grill. I walked in and saw the Mikaelsons. I walked over to them and kissed Klaus on the cheek. 

"Hello Juliet." He smiled but didn't look at me. 

"Hello Mikaelsons."I greeted. 

"Where did you disappear to last night?" Kol asked. 

"I stayed at the Salvatore's." I stated. 

"I made Damon sleep on the couch." I explained. 

"What do you have planned for today?" Klaus asked hugging me.

"I'm going to avoid Caroline and get drunk.'" I stated. 

"Is she still mad at you? I honestly don't see how she could stay away from you this long." Klaus flirted pulling me close to him so my back was against his chest. 

"She can't. I'm not talking to her." I stated leaning back. 

"Why is that?" Rebekah asked.

"She doesn't wanna accept my friends and boyfriend, I won't talk to her, it's that simple." I explained. 

"I think you need a drink." Klaus stated. 

"You just wanna get me drunk to get me in bed." I laughed. 

"Maybe." Klaus laughed. 

"Fine." I said strutting off to the bar. I sat down and Jeremy sat next to me. 

"Hey Jeremy." I greeted. 

"Hey Juliet." He greeted. Matt came over to us. 

"Do you want a drink?" Matt asked. 

"Yes anything alcoholic." I ordered. 

"Okay." He said walking off. 

"I didn't know you drank." Jeremy said. 

"I do now." I stated as Matt walked back over to us. He set a big bottle on the bar. I grabbed it and walked off. I sat down in the Booth that Klaus and Kol were sitting at. I heard Jeremy say something. 

"Why is Juliet sitting with the originals?" Jeremy asked Matt.

 "Did you know she's a vampire now? Apparently she is dating Klaus." Matt answered. I looked back at the group, they all seemed to be looking at me. 

"What?" I laughed. 

"You just seemed deep in thought" Kol answered. 

"I was listening to Jeremy and Matt's conversation about me" I stated. Klaus nodded. 

"It wasn't only about you." Klaus laughed. I did too. I opened my bottle and took a huge drink of it. That was the last thing I remembered.

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