Chapter Thirty Four

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Tonight is the night. I'm getting married. I took a shower, dried my hair and let Caroline curl It while Bekah did my makeup. Once they were finished I stood up and put on my dress.

We were finished and I was in my dressing room. I had butterflies in my stomach. I was so nervous. I heard a knock on the door. 

"Who is it?" I yelled and stopped pacing for a second, Yes I was pacing. 

"It's just me!" My dad yelled walking in. 

"Hey dad." I smiled and kissed his cheek. 

"Are you ready sweetheart?" He asked. 

"I'm nervous." I admitted. 

"I'm sure you are. I'm sure Klaus is too. He gets to marry the most beautiful woman in the world." He comforted. I laughed. 

"That was you." I chuckled. 

"Your mom is beautiful." He nodded. 

"Yeah." I started pacing again, thoughts flying through my mind.

 "Sweetheart, don't be nervous." He said putting his arms on my bare shoulders. 

"What if I fall? What if the marriage isn't how I planned? What if I say the wrong thing?" I blabbered. 

"You won't and if you do. Play it off." He laughed. 

"Okay. More people need to visit me." I smiled and he left as Caroline walked in. 

"Are you nervous?" She asked. 

"Yes." I panted. I could feel my breath become short. 

"Don't be." She laughed. I could see a tears well up in her eyes. 

"Are you crying?" I smirked. 

"I just never thought you would get married before me." She shook her head. 

"Well, I did." I laughed. 

"I'm gonna go set up." She hugged me and left. My mom walked in next. 

"Hey sweetie." She greeted hugging me. 

"You look beautiful." She added. 

"Thanks." I smiled. She left after a hug and a small pep talk and surprisingly Damon came in next. 

"Hey Damon." I greeted. 

"Are you nervous?" He asked. 

"How did you know?" I asked. 

"A little eavesdropping." He said. I laughed nervously. 

"Don't be nervous. You are beautiful and strong. You have no reason to be nervous." Damon comforted. 

"Thanks. Tell everyone no more visitors." I sighed. I felt a lot better. As soon as Damon left I listened to him tell everyone my message. 

"No more visitors." He stated. My door opened and in came Kol. 

"I said no more visitors." I laughed. 

"I don't give a damn. You're not walking down that isle without letting me come to see you first." He laughed hugging me. I hugged back.

"I'm scared Kol." I admitted. 

"I'm nervous." I added. 

"You're supposed to be. You're getting married. It's normal." He comforted. 

"Thanks." I said. I kissed him on his cheek. He walked out and I stayed until I heard my theme music. I walked out and hooked my arm with my dad's. As we walked through a set of double doors everyone stood up. It felt like my heart was about to fly out of my chest. It felt so right and so wrong to be with Klaus all at the same time. He was my world, but he also changed my world. He was my true love. I loved him. I heard the music stop meaning that it was time. I stood there in front of Klaus his eyes staring deep into mine. We did the main routine and then it ended with us kissing. We left and got dressed into more comfortable clothes. I put on short shorts and a tank top then, went to the reception. I walked in and people stared at me. 

"What are you doing out of your dress." Caroline asked. 

"It's not comfortable." I shrugged. 

"You couldn't wait?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and found my husband. He is my husband now. I thought. I ran to him and kissed him. 

"Hello Klaus. You changed too. Be careful, Bekah might scold you." I laughed. 

"Already did." He laughed. We went through the reception and it was dark outside, like really dark. It was time for the dad to dance with the bride. I was dancing with my dad. 

"Hey sweetheart." He greeted. 

"Hi dad." I said about to cry. 

"You look beautiful." He said. 

"Thank you for being the best dad ever." I said. 

"I wouldn't say the best." He said. 

"I would." I said. We danced and soon it was over. 

            I was at what I now call my house, or the Mikaelson's. I was laying on Klaus' bed. 

"Klaus. I love you." I said. I was so happy. Suddenly a lamp fell and no one was near it. 

"How did that happen?" Klaus asked. 

"I don't know." I said picking it up. "I love you too." Klaus kissed me. 

"I'm so happy right now." I smiled. 

"Me too." He said.

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