Chapter Twenty Three

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I woke up next to Klaus. He had his arm around me and he was asleep. I stood up quietly and got dressed in the clothes I was wearing the day before. I looked at Klaus one more time and smiled at his sleeping figure. This man had no idea how crazy he made me, I thought to myself. I walked out of the room and into Bekah's She was asleep and I needed to borrow some clothes. I pounced on her bed causing her to groan and roll over. 

"Wake up Bekah." I whispered in a sing song voice. 

"No!" She whined and covered her head with the blanket. 

"Fine, you wanna do this the hard way." I mumbled standing up. I took her blanket and yanked it, but she was holding onto it as if her life depended on it. I groaned and looked around thinking of what to do, until I saw a glass of water on her nightstand. I picked it up and poured it on her and it was surprisingly still freezing cold. She jumped and flew out of bed and onto the floor. 

"Juliet!" She screamed. 

"Bekah." I smirked. 

"Why did you do that?" She laughed. 

"I need to borrow some clothes." I stated. 

"You know where my closet is why didn't you get some yourself?" Bekah asked. 

"Oh and I also wanted to wake you up." I laughed and she laughed to before throwing a pillow at me. I dodged it and it hit the wall. I laughed some more as I walked to her closet and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a black t shirt that hung off my shoulder. I walked back to Bekah and showed her my outfit. 

"You look amazing." Bekah lied not even looking at me and crawling back in bed. 

"Sure I do, night." I laughed walking out of her room. I walked downstairs wanting food when I saw Klaus and Kol. I smiled at them, but I quickly hid myself once I saw they were arguing. I didn't care what about, I just didn't want to be in the middle of it. I snapped out of my trance only when my name was mentioned. 

"Juliet? She can't change you! Nothing can." Kol yelled at his brother. 

"Are you so sure about that?" Klaus asked as he pulled something out of his jacket. A dagger. I instantly remembered being informed about Klaus and his daggers, before I could do anything to stop him, my best friend was on the floor, he turned grey and his veins started to slowly make their way up to his face until he was covered with them. I over to him and kneeled beside him. I looked at Klaus angrily. He looked shocked and then the look of shock he had turned into a look of regret and pain as I looked back to Kol. I gripped the dagger ready to pull it out when I felt a pair of hands pull my arms back. I turned around to see Klaus. 

"Don't." He said simply. I glared at him before running upstairs into Bekah's room. I sat on her bed and cried. 

"Oh my god. Juliet what happened?" Bekah asked wrapping her arms around me. 

"Klaus daggered Kol." I cried sadly. I knew that it hurt all the worse thinking that not only was my best friend practically dead, but that my boyfriend and his brother did this to him. I sat there and cried into Bekah's shoulder before I stood up and walked downstairs. I could tell my eyes were red and puffy, but I didn't care. I saw Klaus standing in the living room as he closed Kol's coffin. I walked over to him and stood right in front of him. 

"You know what?" I asked not really wanting an answer while looking down at my feet. 

"Kol was right. No one can change you." I said looking up and walking out of the house and to my car. I turned on my car and almost drove away, but Klaus stood in front of my car looking at me apologetically. 

"Move before I convince myself to hit you!" I yelled to him and he moved out if the way, shocked. I drove past him slowly before taking off quickly to my house. Once I pulled into the driveway I ran inside, but I was no longer sad that my best friend was daggered and the next time I would get to see him would probably be in a century or so, I was mad, at Klaus. I ran to my room and sat on my bed. I calmed down and Once I did I realized my phone had been ringing like crazy since I left. I looked at it and it said I had twenty missed calls. I was looking through who all called me. Bekah, Bekah, Klaus, Klaus, Klaus, Klaus, Klaus, Klaus, Bekah, Klaus, Klaus, Elena? I looked at the name and decided to call back. It rang for a few minutes before someone answered. It wasn't Elena though. It was none other than Damon Salvatore. 

"Um....I was looking for Elena." I stated slightly confused as to why Damon had Elena's phone. 

"She not here she left with Stefan and forgot her phone." Damon stated. 

"Well, would you like to hang out?" I asked. 

"Sure meet me at the grill." He stated before hanging up. Well, I really did need a drink.

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