Chapter Nineteen

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"So, you met Katherine?" Caroline asked. We were in her room, bonding. 

"Yep." I stated. 

"She's not as bad as you all say." I stated. At first she was confused then, she remembered I was dating Klaus. 

"Does she know you're with her enemy? If she does she could use you as leverage." Caroline asked worriedly. 

"I didn't tell her." I stated. 

"Good. Don't let her find out." Caroline stated. 

"Okay. I'm going to the grill to meet Klaus, see you later." I stated walking out side. I jogged to the grill today and when I walked in I saw Klaus at the pool table. I ran over to him and kissed his cheek. 

"Hello Juliet." Klaus greeted. We played pool and surprisingly I won. I had to leave because mum wanted me home for dinner. 

"Bye Klaus. I love you." I whispered before kissing him and walking out the door. I was pretty far when I ran into Katherine. 

"Hello Katherine." I greeted smiling innocently. 

"You're dating Klaus. I'm sorry Juliet." She stated before plunging a needle in my neck. Vervain. 

"I just want my freedom." Then everything went black.

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