Chapter Fourty

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Previously On Opposites Attract

"Hey Janet did you find anything out?" I asked.

"Big time. You're a hybrid." She revealed.

"A vampire and a wolf?" I asked, tilting my head. That can't be right.

"Not that kind of hybrid." She corrected.

"You're a mix of a vampire..." She trailed off.

"And?" I asked.

"A witch."

"A witch? I thought that was impossible." I questioned.

"It is, but apparently, since you were such a strong witch, somehow when you turned the other witches thought it would be an abomination to let such great power go to waste." She explained.

"So does that make me stronger than an original?" I asked looking at Becca who looked shocked.

"Big time. Turns out you cant die. You're more powerful than Klaus." She informed.

"Oh my God. Wait is my baby girl going to be a wolf, vampire, witch mixture?" I asked holding my stomach.

"No it doesn't work like that, your baby will be a wolf and a witch, a child is not born dead, it wouldn't make since." She explained.

"Wow. I need sometime to process this. I'll talk to you later." I hung up and looked at Bekah. "Okay. I'm going to go upstairs and eat this ice cream. If your brother comes home tell him I'm upstairs." I informed grabbing the ice cream and walking upstairs. I sat on my bed and sighed, opening the ice cream and eating it.

"Mmmmm chocolate ice cream." I mumbled. Suddenly the door opened.

"Hello love. I heard you had ice cream." Klaus laughed walking in and shutting the door. He sat next to me and tried to steal my ice cream, but I pulled it away.

"My ice cream." I joked.

"Fine. You're the one carrying a baby, you get the ice cream." He laughed.

"Speaking of. I have a sprinkle....OK a hurricane of news on that." I explained.

"What?" He asked.

"I found out it's possible because I'm part witch and you're part wolf. This little darling is going to be a wolf and a witch. A lot to take in right?" I babbled.

"Yeah." Klaus chuckled.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"You know you always find a way to surprise me." He sighed.

"I hope so or else out lives would be boring." I laughed.

"Well, are we going to speed up this process or what?" Klaus asked standing up.

"Yes. I forgot. Too busy eating." I laughed, standing up and looking in the mirror. Not really showing yet. We left and drove to Janet's.
We arrived and knocked. Alex opened the door in a pair of Pajama pants and no shirt with messy hair. He looked like he just woke up.

"Alex. It's the middle of the afternoon. Were you really sleeping?" I scolded.

"You will make a great mom Juloet, but You're not mine. Come in." He invited. I walked in and Klaus followed. Janet walked in the room with a over size T-shirt and a pair of shorts and messy hair.

"Okay. I do not want to know wbu both of Y'all look like Y'all just woke up when I talked to you earlier." I joked.

"No. You don't." Janet laughed. She got dressed and did her hair before walking into the living room and sitting across from me and Klaus.

"Okay so this may hurt a little. I can teach you to do it yourself. I don't wanna touch your stomach." She suggested.

"Um... sure." I replied. She told me to say a few things in another language, but before I could I touched my stomach and felt it growing.

"I'm doing the spell. How?" I asked scared of what I was capable of.

"I knew you were powerful, but not this powerful." She gaped. I pulled my hand away as I felt a huge pain in my stomach.

"Okay. This is weird." I stated.

"So, how long do you think this will take?" I asked.

"One." Janet answered.  

"One month?" I asked.

"Night. Tonight. You are powerful. Did that make you tired at all?" She asked.

"No." I shrugged.

"Wow. It makes me tired doing a location spell, you are amazing." She breathed.

"Is that good?" I asked.

"Depends on if you learn to control it soon." She stated.

"Can you help me Please?" I begged.

"Yes of course." She laughed. I hugged her and suddenly the lights flickered, ending with the lights on.

"Hey. Calm down." She demanded. I did and they stopped.

"By the way Klaus. I'm more powerful than you, nothing can kill me." I laughed.

"Yeah, but if I die so does everyone I turned and everyone they turned or... Well you get it." Klaus bragged. I looked at Janet and She shook her head no.

"Sadly no, but you should get home. You have a really big day tomorrow." She smiled and with that we left and once I got home I went straight to sleep.

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