Chapter Five

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    I woke up and walked to my closet, picking out my outfit. I grabbed a pair of faded blue skinny jeans with rips up the legs and a white tank top and quickly threw it on. I grabbed my keys and rushed to school. Once I arrived I ran into Kol.

"Hey Kol." I greeted. He just smiled and walked away. I watched as he strutted away with confusion. Eventually, I shrugged it off and went to my class. Soon, class was over and I was in my next class. I sat down next to Kol.

"Hey Juliet. Klaus wants to know if you would go on a date with him." Kol sighed. I thought about it for a second. 'But, why? He withheld valuable information from me.' "I'd really rather not." I shrugged. The rest of school was boring. After school I went to the grill. I ran into Klaus. "Hello Juliet." He greeted. "Hey Klaus." I greeted. "Would you like a drink with me?" Klaus asked. "Not really." I answered. I walked off to the bar and sat down and Klaus sat besides me. "Please." Klaus begged. "I'm not supposed to hang out with you I heard you were a bad person from my sister, I don't drink, especially not with bad people." I answered. "But I guess one drink wont hurt." I smirked. "Call it a date?" He asked. I shrugged. "I guess so." I answered. "Two shots of tequila please." Klaus ordered the bar tender. "Um... I don't drink." I objected. "Just one drink. Try it." He begged. I sighed in defeat as I grabbed the glass and gulped it down. "Now that's more like it." Klaus laughed and drank his. "Two more please." He ordered. We kept on drinking and then that was the last thing I remembered. I woke up later on at my house in my bed. I looked on my dresser and found a note. 

You seem to have gotten a little drunk so I brought you home.

                From Klaus

I smiled as I put the note back down. My head hurt horribly. I am going to have a massive hangover later. 

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