Chapter Six

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    I woke up with a huge headache. Great. I rushed downstairs and grabbed some coffee.

"Juliet! Why are you not at school?!" Caroline asked, shocked.

"I'm not feeling well." I lied.

"Want me to stay home and help you?" Caroline asked, worried.

"No. No, go ahead." I urged. I wanted to see Klaus today and she definitely wouldn't let me.

 "O-okay, but stay in bed." Caroline ordered. I nodded and walked upstairs. I walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a white shirt. I got dressed and ran downstairs. I grabbed my keys and drove to the grill. I walked in and spotted Klaus at the bar. 

"Hey Klaus." I greeted sitting next to him.

"Hello Juliet. How is that hang over treating you?" He laughed. 

"Like a knife in the head." I answered. 

"Can I get you anything?" Matt asked approaching us. 

"Coffee please." I ordered. 

"Got it." Matt said walking off. 

"So, did you have fun on our date?" Klaus asked.

 "Um... I wouldn't know I don't remember most of it." I chuckled. He laughed and looked at his drink. 

"Well, would you like to go on a proper date?" Klaus asked. 

"I'll think about it." I teased before Matt showed up with my coffee. 

"Thank you." I thanked as I drank my coffee. Klaus looked at me. 

"What?" I asked giggling. 

"You're really beautiful." Klaus said leaning in, I leaned in too and our lips almost touched when I heard someone gasp behind us. I turned around and saw an angry Caroline. I looked down and Klaus looked straight at her. 

"Hello love." Klaus greeted.

"Juliet come with me now!" Caroline demanded grabbing my arm and pulling me with her. I looked at Klaus apologetically and he smiled understandingly. Caroline pulled me into her car. 

"What the hell were you thinking!? I told you to stay away from him! He is a bad guy! You are innocent, sweet and loving. He is the devil reincarnated!" She scolded. 

"No he's not!" I screamed as she drove us home. 

"He is not good for you." Caroline said quietly as we pulled into the driveway. I jumped out and stormed into the house.I walked onto the stairs and I put my foot on the third step.

"We're not done here!" Caroline yelled following me and stopping at the bottom of the stairs. I just kept walking. Suddenly Caroline appeared in front of me making me fall down the stairs. 

"Oh my God Juliet!" Caroline yelled suddenly standing over me. I fell from really high and my head was bleeding. Caroline bit her wrist and held it out. 

"Drink!" She demanded. 

"Wha-" I was about to ask what when she shoved her wrist in my mouth. I held onto her arm as she sighed in relief. She made me stand up and looked me in the eyes. 

"Juliet. I am doing this out of love. You will stay away from Klaus and you will forget about this conversation and that you fell down the stairs and drank my blood, because I'm trying to protect you." She said with tears running down her face rapidly. I blink and she was gone and I didn't remember anything of what happened the last couple minutes. I walked upstairs and found out I had blood on the back of my head so I showered then I put on my pajamas and went to bed.

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