Chapter Fourty Two

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I held my Rebel in my arms and laid her in her crib. She was two, but in reality She was only a few days old.

"She is aging really quickly." I stated looking at Klaus who was laying on the bed.

"I know Janet said, She would." Klaus reminded.

"Yeah." I sighed.

A week later

I watched little Rebel running from her uncle giggling. She was now 6. I watched Kol pick her up and tickle her. "Uwncle Kol!" She screamed, laughing uncontrollably. I walked over to them and grabbed Rebel away from him.

"Sorry play time is over. Time for your nap." I stated.

"Fine." Rebel pouted. 

The next week.

"Momma I wanna go outside!" Rebel complained. She was now thirteen, a teenager.

"You can't not until you're eighteen, two weeks left, Sorry sweety." I explained.

"I want to meet your friends." She whined.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yeah. They sound cool." She stated.

"Just don't throw a temper tantrum. Last time you did that you created an earthquake." I joked, tickling my daughter.

A week later.

"One week left Okay?" I asked.

"I guess." Rebel whispered. She was now sixteen and I couldn't believe it.

"Okay, well who do you want to meet first?" I asked.

"Bonnie!" She replied.

"Bonnie it is then." I smiled. I hadn't seen anyone really since Rebel was born, except family. 

A week later.

"Mom! Wake up!" Rebel demanded. I sat up and looked at her. She was now eighteen and today was the day we would finally leave.

"Fine go get ready and we'll go to the grill." I stated.

"Yay!" She shrieked and kissed my cheek. I smiled and she ran off. I got up and got dressed in a pair of short shorts and a tank top. What I'm only nineteen, I can dress like a kid. To think, next week my kid will be older than me.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Klaus asked.

"No. I got it." I replied. Rebel walked in the room in a pair of black jeans with rips up the legs and a black shirt that had sleeves that fell off her shoulder. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing eye liner and mascara.

"Are you ready yet?" She asked.

"Yes. Let's go." I smiled as we drove to the grill. We almost got there when we stopped for some food. Rebel went back to the car to get her phone that she never used and I waited inside, until I heard a crash then I heard Rebel screaming and bones cracking. I flashed outside and saw Rebel shifting into a wolf. I gasped and picked her up before flashing to Janet's house. I flew through the door and found Janet.

"Janet. Rebel went to get her phone and killed someone, She shouldn't turn until the full moon but she is." I explained.

"Her powers are making her turn. She can't control them." Janet yelled. I heard a heartbreaking scream and saw Rebel laying on the ground in pain.

"Get her out of here before She transforms!" Janet demanded. I flashed her to the woods and chained her up. I waited with her and when she turned I cried for her pain. Soon, it was over and I covered her up before we flashed home and she got dressed. She looked beat up and defeated.

"Klaus!" I yelled. He came down and saw Rebel, She had tear stains on her face.

"Dad." She whispered hugging him and crying.

"What happened? Where have you two been?" He asked, worried.

"She turned. She killed someone and because she couldn't control her powers it made her transform." I explained.

"Is there a way to stop her from turning?" Klaus asked.

"Only one, but She will lose her powers." I sighed. Klaus sighed too. He knew what I meant.

"Okay Rebel, we need you to make a choice. Be like your dad a vampire and wolf or turn like that every full moon and when your magic gets out of hand." I asked.

"I will be a hybrid and lose my powers if it means I never have to go through that again." She chose.

"Okay." I sighed. Klaus bit his wrist and fed her his blood before snapping her neck. I let a tear slip from my eyes seeing my daughter's temporarily lifeless body. The entire time she was knocked out Klaus was sobbing, waiting for her to wake up. Soon, She woke up and we called Elena, we needed her blood. She arrived and helped us. Then, when Rebel blinked She opened her eyes afterward and when She did they were both gold and the veins appeared under her eyes. She blinked again and one of her eyes went back to blue the other stayed golden as normal. The veins also went away. I took her back to Janet because she said wanted to meet her. We walked inside and Janet was sitting on her couch so I sat next to Janet and Rebel sat next to me.

"Okay so Rebel, this is Janet She is a witch and She was very helpful when I was pregnant with you." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you Janet." Rebel said shaking Janet's hand. Janet blacked out. Soon She looked at Rebel.

"Impossible." She mumbled.

"A lot of impossible things happen in this town, what is it?" I asked. 

"Juliet." She started. 

"Rebel didn't lose her powers, she is a vampire, wolf, and witch."

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