Chapter Twenty One

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I woke up in a blur. I looked around as I waited for my sight to clear up. Once my sight was back I saw that I was laying on a bed, but it wasn't mine, I think it was familiar though. I sat up a little and leaned on the back of the bed. I hissed in pain because my whole body was sore. 

"I think she's awake." I heard Kol say from downstairs. I heard footsteps, a lot of footsteps, running up the stairs. Soon, the door slowly opened and in came Klaus, Kol, Bekah, Damon, And Caroline. Caroline rushed to my bed first.

"Are you okay?" She asked, worried. 

"Yeah. Just a little beat up, but I'll be fine." I assured. I sat a little further up causing me to hiss in pain. 

"You need to rest." Bekah demanded. 

"No I don't, I'm not tired." I stated standing up, hiding the pain. Someone pushed me back down on the bed. I couldn't see who though because they used vamp speed to do it. I looked around once my body was on the bed and everyone was smirking. 

"Fine. I'll rest. Not sleep, but I'll lay down all day if I can have a visitor. One visitor at a time." I stated. Bekah sighed and looked around at all her brothers. They nodded. Everyone walked out of the room and left me there alone to guess who my first visitor will be. Soon, the door opened and Bonnie came running in. She sat by me on my bed and sighed. 

"What's wrong with you?" I asked. 

"My best friend almost got herself killed." She stated calmly. 

"Oh. Where is she?" I joked. 

"Right next to me." She laughed. I smiled and hugged her.

 "How are things with Klaus?" She asked. 

"Great. How are things with Jeremy?" I asked. 

"I don't want to talk about it." She stated. 

"Fine. Next visitor!" I yelled pushing her off my bed. She stood up and laughed, then, She hugged me and left. The next person was Caroline. I guess it's ladies first. 

"Hey Care." I greeted as she sat down next to me. 

"Hey Juliet." She greeted. 

"I told you not to let her find out." Caroline stated. 

"I didn't mean to. I was at the grill and she caught me walking home." I stated.  

"How long does each visitor have?" Caroline asked with a relieved smile on her face. 

"Until I kick them out." I stated. She laughed and hugged me. 

"I have to go. I'm sorry and stay out of trouble." Caroline said standing up and leaving. 

"Next!" I yelled. Bekah walked in and she was so happy that I was okay. 

"Juliet. I'm sorry that this happened to you." Bekah apologized. 

"Bekah it wasn't your fault. It's not your fault your brother has enemies and I'm sure Katherine is only one in a long line of them." I stated making her nod. She looked at me with sad eyes and I looked back at her. 

"You're one of my best friends Bekah. I know you get worried, but I'm not a little kid." I stated.

"I know, but you've always seemed so fragile." She stated sadly. 

"I know." I laughed. We sat there in silence for a few minutes. 

"You know it's dangerous to be with my brother, yet you still are why?" Bekah asked. 

"Because, I don't think I could live if I wasn't." I whispered. Bekah nodded and walked out. 

"Next!" I yelled. The door opened and Damon walked in. 

"Yay is it guys turn now?" I asked. 

"Yes." Damon said sitting on my bed. 

"So how are you feeling?" Damon asked. I suggest sarcasm

"Peachy." I stated sarcastically. 

"Sarcasm. One of my many talents." Damon laughed. 

"So why come to check on me?" I asked. 

"You're a good friend to me. I wanted to know you were safe." He stated. I nodded and smiled. We had a little conversation about Stefan and animal blood then he left. Next to come in was Elijah. 

"Hello Juliet." He greeted. 

"Elijah." I greeted smiling. 

"Are you doing Okay?" He asked sitting down. 

"I'm Fine." I stated. He nodded and looked down. 

"Why are you looking down?" I asked confused. 

"You'll know eventually. Goodbye Juliet." He stated before leaving. Next up was Kol. 

"Kol!" I yelled hugging him. 

"Hello Juliet." He greeted calmly. 

"So what's up with you?" I asked. 

"Nothing. You're the one who just got beat up by someone 500 years older than you." He chuckled. 

"Yeah that's true." I sighed.

"So has Bekah taken my spot yet?" He asked. I knew what he meant. 

"Nope. You're still my best friend." I stated. 

"Good." He stated. We had a little conversation about Elijah and Klaus and Finn, I wish I could've met him. Then, he left. Next to come in was my favorite, Klaus. He sat next to me. He grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. I kissed back and he pulled away. 

"I love you." He stated before kissing me again. I pulled away. 

"I love you too." Then I kissed him. Somehow he made the pain go away, like the pain melted away like ice. He made all pain and sadness that I had at that moment disappear. He was the man I loved and when I was with him all I could be was his.

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