Chapter Thirty Six

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I woke up on Klaus bed. I rolled over and fell off. 

"Ow." I mumbled as I hit the ground with a thud. 

"Are you Okay love?" Klaus laughed. 

"Yeah I'm fine." I said standing up and using vamp speed to get dressed. 

"Do we have plans today?" Klaus asked. 

"Nope. You don't. I'm going to go see Janet." I explained. 

"Why?" He asked. 

"She said she had some news to share with me." I stated. 

"Oh. Have fun." Klaus shouted as I walked away. 

        I was driving to Janet's hotel. I drove past a restaurant. I decided to stop to get some food. I went inside and ordered a hamburger, some fries, a milkshake, and a spicy sandwich. I sat down and waited for my food. I got out my phone and texted Janet. 

Hey,Sorry Janet. I'm going to be late. I stopped for food. Juliet

I sent the message and looked up to find that my food was on it's way. They set my food down and I ate it quickly before leaving and going to the hotel. I pulled up and went to the room that Alex and Janet stayed at. I knocked on the door and Janet answered. 

"Hey Janet." I hugged her. 

"Hey Juliet. Come in. I need help with something." She said pulling me inside. 

"Okay, me and Alex want to get a new place together and we were hoping you could help us pick a place." She said. 

"Okay." I said suddenly confused. 

"Okay so there is this one, this one, this one, and this one." She said showing me some pictures. 

"I like the first one." I said. 

"Okay. The first one it is." She said. I smiled at her. 

          I was at home bored out of my mind. Klaus walked into his room.

"Hello love." I didn't respond. I just sat there thinking. 

"Love?" Klaus waved his hands in front of my face. 

"Yes?" I asked snapping out of it. 

"I love you." Klaus laughed. 

"I love you too." I smiled. 

           I was thinking. Not really about anything specific. My mind was all over the place. There was something wrong with me and I wanted to find out what.

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