Chapter Twenty

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I woke up. Everything was blurry. I looked around and saw I was in a room that was distinctly familiar. As soon as my vision cleared I realized I was in a room I only remembered as a baby. I looked around and found I was tied to a chair and I didn't have my necklace after looking around some more I saw Katherine standing in front of me. 

"I really am sorry about this Juliet. I actually like you." She said shoving a knife into my neck. It was laced with vervain. I screamed at the pain before she pulled out the knife and dipped it back in vervain.

"You've got a poor way of showing it." I asked, tears rolling down my face. 

"I want to negotiate my freedom from your boyfriend, to do that I have to break a few legs." She explained as she ran a vervain plant across my arm. 

"This isn't a negotiation, it's bribery." I screamed. She laughed dryly.

"Then, I'm bribing Klaus. You for my freedom." She stated.

"If you know Klaus, you know that he gets everything he wants and kills anything or anyone that gets in his way." I stated coldly. 

"Well then if I kill you he won't be happy." Katherine said driving a stake through my arm. I screamed in pain.

 "You are a bitch." I stated coldly. 

"Thanks." She said stabbing me in the stomach. I heard a sign of a struggle outside the door and Katherine heard it too. 

"Sorry. I got to rush." She said flashing away, but not before shoving a vervain needle in my neck. Before I passed out I saw Katherine flash away and the Mikaelsons burst through the door with the Salvatores and my sister. Then, I passed out

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