Chapter Twenty Nine

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I woke up next to Klaus. I snuggled up next to him. He quickly opened his eyes and groaned. 

"Klaus wakey wakey." I laughed sitting on his lap. He smiled and kissed me. 

"I love you." He said leaning back. 

"I love you too." I said. I stood up and walked to the suitcases. I grabbed out a pair of white short cut-offs and a black v-neck. I changed into them and sat next to Klaus. 

"So, what are we going to do today?" I asked. 

"I have that figured out. You just go along with it." He said standing up. He got dressed and drug me out to his car then drove me around before parking at the place we went for on Valentine's day. This time we already drove up the hill. How? I was asleep. I don't know. He parked the car and I woke up. He got out of the car and walked over to the lake that led to the waterfall. I got out and ran to him. 

"Klaus. What are we doing here? What's the occasion?" I asked jumping on his back and wrapping my legs around his waist. 

"No occasion. I just love you." Klaus said jumping in the water after checking my pockets for anything. I emerged from the water with my hair in my face. I moved my hair out of my face and swam to Klaus and pushed his head under water. I pulled him back up and kissed him. 

"I love you." I said jumping up on the edge of the lake. 

"I love you too." Klaus said leaning forward. He swam to the waterfall and jumped down. I followed. Once I got down the waterfall I saw Klaus sitting at a rock. I walked over to him. He stood up and grabbed my hands. 

"I love you Juliet. More than anything. I need you in my life. Without you, I am nothing. I would love to spend my eternity with you." Klaus then got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. 

"Will you marry me?" Klaus asked. I had a huge lump in my throat, meaning I couldn't talk. I nodded my head quickly. He stood up and kissed me and I kissed back. He slid the ring on my finger and we went back to his house. Before we walked in I stopped him. 

"Did you tell anyone else you were going to do that?" I asked still shocked. 

"No." Klaus smirked. 

"Good. Don't tell anyone. I'm telling my family first and I'm telling your family later." I informed. He nodded and walked inside, leaving me there. I left and went home. Caroline first. I walked inside and found Caroline,  running up to her and hugging her. 

"I have some great news...wait you might not like it....but...don't get mad if you don't like it." I babbled. 

"Just tell me. I won't be mad." Caroline laughed. 

"Klaus proposed." I said quietly. Caroline's mouth dropped. 

"Are you mad?" I asked, but she just stood there. I waved my hand in front of her face. She snapped out of it and jumped on me, hugging me. 

"Are you kidding me. No I'm not mad!" She yelled happily. I smiled and hugged her back. 

"Is mum home?" I asked. 

"Yes, but go. I'll tell her. You need to tell everyone else." Caroline smiled. 

"Okay. I love you." I said. 

"I love you too." She said before pushing me out the door. 

         I pulled up at the Mikaelson's. I walked in and saw Klaus smiling like he told someone a secret and just saw the reaction. I walked up to him and realized his whole family was in the room.

 "Did you tell them?" I pouted. 

"No. I waited for you. Now will you do the honors or shall I?" Klaus asked. 

"Tell us what exactly?" Bekah asked irritated. 

"I'll tell them." I said. I looked at them smiling. 

"Klaus proposed." I said smiling even wider. All of their mouths dropped. Bekah ran to me and hugged me. 

"Thanks Bekah." I said and every one of them hugged me. I walked outside and to the grill Where I told everyone.

"You're going to need a dress, right?" I heard Caroline ask from behind me. Oh no. What about Bekah? 

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