Chapter Seven

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I woke up to a loud crash downstairs. I looked at my clock. 11:00 P.M. I stood up and went to my door. I heard another crash. I opened my door quietly. Then, I rushed downstairs. I saw Caroline laying on the floor. Dead. I ran to her and fell on the ground by her, my eyes tearing up. I stood up after hearing a door slam. I grabbed a knife, walking towards the noise, but suddenly it was behind me. I turned around and no one was there. I heard a slam come from my room. I ran upstairs and opened my door. No one. I closed it and went back downstairs. I saw a man that I didn't recognize was leaning over my sister with the leg of a chair. I gasped and he looked at me. Soon, he was gone. I ran to Caroline's room and saw no one. I heard a huge crash from the kitchen again. I walked in and it was trashed, but no one was there. I walked into the other rooms, but there was no one. I walked downstairs and fell on the ground crying. I looked at my watch. 11:30 P.M. I stayed on the ground crying when suddenly I felt someone grab my head and twist it, snapping my neck. I was dead. Before I completely died I heard a familiar scream. Caroline. Then, it was black.

Caroline's P.O.V.

I had just woken up from a snapped neck by someone I am guessing wanted revenge on Klaus and knew he couldn't get it with me awake. I woke up and saw Juliet fall to the ground and the man stand up. I screamed and ran over to her. 

"Juliet!" I screamed. I looked at the guy and flashed over to him. 

"You deserve to rot in hell." I said as I ripped his heart out and watched him fall on the ground dead. I ran back to Juliet and held her in my arms sobbing. Then I remembered earlier when I fed her my blood. I looked at my watch and it was 12:00 A.M. I looked at Juliet.

"Please. Let her come back to me." I begged. I kissed her forehead and picked her up and carried her to her room where I set her on her bed. 

"Don't worry Juliet. The man who did this to you is dead." I assured her lifeless body. I heard keys rattle and the door open. I flashed downstairs and saw my mom. I immediately hugged her. 

"Caroline? Whats wrong? What happened to this place?" She asked confused. 

"S-someone broke into the house. I-it was a vampire. Somehow he was invited in a-and he killed Juliet." I cried sobbing. 

"What?" She cried. 

"I- she fell down the stairs earlier. I fed her my blood." I informed. My mom ran upstairs to Juliet's room. We sat there and waited for her to wake up. My mom fell asleep and I crouched beside Juliet's bed. "Juliet. I love you. You are the best sister ever. I hope that my blood hasn't passed threw your system already." I cried. Suddenly I heard a huge gasp. I looked up and saw Juliet gasping for air and looking around. "What happened?" She asked. "You're a vampire." I answered.

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